You Crying

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You had just got into a fight with some asshole and they ended up taking a jab at something personal. "Your father hates you... That's why he joined the brotherhood. It makes it so he doesn't ever have to see you!" They had said to you. It hurt because you weren't proud that you had a father that would help that group of bigots instead of finding something where he could stay around you longer. You were tired, thinking too much, and ready to cry. To help you feel better you went to.....



You go to the Railroad Headquarters so that you could get Deacon alone somewhere to vent to him about it. He ended up to be on the roof of the place, which worked for you since no one was around up there but him. You walked up to him and tried to hold it together so that you could get a word out to him. You collapsed in his arms and cried quietly. Deacon was shocked that you did that suddenly, he did eventually catch up and hold you though.

"What's wrong? Did the prices go up at the general store again?" He asked.

You thought that was kind of funny but didn't feel like laughing right at that moment, "Deacon... Someone talked about my dad," You told him.

"Aww... Well... Don't worry about that, they're just mad because they have a small dick," He told you.

You felt like smiling as Deacon kept giving you joke reasons as to why that person did that to you. You let him keep that up until you felt better. After that point you got up and Deacon gave you a friendly pat on the back. Then he assured you that if you felt like you needed him again then you are always free to do so.



You rush to the Old State House with tears in your eyes and slammed the door to his room open. Upon seeing you he knew immediately that something was wrong so he shooed Fahrenheit and the guards out. He turned his attention towards you and patted the spot next to him on the couch. You went over and sat next to him then he pulled you close to him.

"You're upset. Why?" He deadpanned.

"Hancock.... Someone reminded me about my father," You said in a shaky voice.

Hancock knew about your father and just like with every other brotherhood soldier he wasn't a fan. He knew that your dad was important to you though, so he decided to set aside he hatred for a second and cheer you up.

"Well you know... Like I always say... Ain't nothing a little bit of jet could fix," He said then proceeded to reach in his pocket to get you some jet.

When he offered it to you though you gave him a even more saddened look. Why would he offer that to help? Was he not taking you seriously? Did he just not want to deal with it? He sensed that it made you more upset however, so he put the jet back in his pocket and breathed out a sigh.

"I'm sorry that someone said that to you... Just know that he will never say something like that again as long as I'm around," He told you.

It earned him a smile from you.



You went to The Dug Out Inn where you rented a room for you and Mac to stay in while you were in Diamond City. MacCready was just polishing his rifle when you stumbled in and collapsed on the bed beside him. Your body was shaking and it took him until he heard you sob to realize you were crying. In that moment he felt a little uncomfortable, while he was a bit of a softy he didn't really know how to console others. So he just kind of awkwardly patted your back all the while feeling a bit bad that he can't be more help to you right now.

After a while of him just patting you on the back, you pulled him over to cuddle. If he wasn't going to say anything might as well get comfort from him being close by. He rested his chin on your head while you cried into his shoulder.



You ran to the Valentine Detective Agency. It was after hours so Ellie wouldn't be there and you knew that Nick could help the best out of everyone you knew. The old bot was at his desk not really do much when you bursted through the door.

"Nick," You started in a weak voice then didn't finish that sentence

Nick raised a brow at you and wondered if you might have a case he needed to pick up for once.

"Umm, yeah what is it?" He asked you.

You just hugged him even if it was an awkward one with you standing and him sitting. You didn't care though, you just told him about what happened without thinking about how you were even saying it to him. Nick looked like he was startled by how frantic you were being. He was gentle though and knew exactly what to say, lucky for you.

"Look... People have always been insensitive and even more so nowadays. You just need to know that it isn't true what he said about your dad," He told you.



Oswald, maybe he could tell you a joke or do a magic trick. Any of his antics would help you at this point. When you found him he was in the employee tunnels at Nuka World.

"Oswald," You said quietly so that your voice doesn't crack.

He looked at you and was about to answer, but you tackled him in a hug that knocked his air out. Tears streamed down your face while you explained the situation to him. It all came out as a jumbled mess of words. Even still he was able to gather enough information to know what happened. In an out of character moment, he hugged back without saying a word to you. He was a safe enough feeling that it didn't matter that he was silent.



You went off to the Publick Occurrences office to tell Piper what happened. You knew she would listen to you if you were upset no matter what. You knocked on her door and when she answered you just simply told her that you needed someone to talk to. She nodded, sent Nat out to do something, and invited you in. The moment you parked your butt on her couch you let your tears fall and told her what happened in a shaky voice. She gave you and empathetic look and hugged you. She kept reassuring you that everything was okay, that the person was just being a jerk, and that she was there for you when you needed her.

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