Getting A Projector To Work

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"Hey, wanna come watch a movie with me?" You approached Deacon and asked

He looked at you and raised a brow, "Umm I'm not sure that's possible boss,"

You smiled at him and with mock pride said, "Well.... Since I'm so awesome I found a way to get the projector at the Starlight Drive In to work,"

Deacon gave in and went with you, expecting this to be a quick trip since he only half believed that you got a projector to work. At the drive in you pointed the projector at the wall and went through a box of films. You guys picked out a horror movie. Deacon could hardly believe his eyes when that thing flickered to life and started playing the movie. He was entertained for a while but he started getting bored since he doesn't like to sit for too long.



When you asked him to watch a movie with you he said yes without questioning how you guys were gonna do that and got ready for your date. He showed up there a bit overdressed but you weren't complaining cause he looked good. You guys picked out a flick and sat down. About thirty minutes in you noticed that Hancock had stopped watching and was looking at you. You were about to open your mouth and say 'What? Is there something stuck in my teeth?' But you couldn't get a word out because Hancock leaned forward and stole a kiss from you.



He agreed to watch something nonchalantly but he was secretly excited. You told him that you found a Grognak movie and that's gotta be an awesome flick, right? When you guys got there and started the movie you could finally see how happy he was to be there watching this. He got so immersed that he started talking to the movie like the characters could hear him. It was kind of annoying.

"No Grognak! Don't go in there, it's a trap!"

"Shh," You replied putting your finger to his lips.

He 'hmphed' and pushed your hand away.



He was there when you got the projector working so you both decided to watch something. As a not-so-subtle hint you picked out a noir film with some romance in it. By the end you were bored to tears and questioning why you picked that out, Nick seemed like he enjoyed the movie.

"Hmm he picked career over his lady in the end.... Tough decision,"

"Yeah... Who does that remind me of," You mumbled the last part

He looked at you, "What was that?




At first he questioned why you would need to watch a movie. After all, he was the best entertainment that anyone could ever get. However, he did end up going with you. You gave him puppy eyes, so how could he say no? So over to the drive in you guys went to pick out a movie to watch. He ended up enjoying it. Oswald wasn't about to tell you that though.



She found a working projector and invited you to come watch something with her. You agreed to it since you didn't have anything better to do anyway. You began to regret because the movie Piper picked was extremely boring. She noticed that you were falling asleep and decided to make this movie more fun by making her own jokes. This made it so that you two were laughing through out the whole movie.

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