IF You Were To Commit Suicide

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AN: Take notice of the IF... In the story you actually didn't.


He was no longer his usual smart ass quick witted self. He was now quiet and distant, this was Barbra all over again to him. Except this time he will never be the same. He will never risk getting hurt like this again.



HOLY CRAP did he respond bad to the news. He took so many chems that, to any normal person, it may as well be a substitute for cyanide. After a while of dangerous amounts, it switched to dangerous combinations. Eventually he attempted himself, he survived it though.



He had to deal with the pain of losing you and Lucy! It was hell! His life was hell! And now, just to forget both of you, he has to drink until he can't even lift up his pinky toe.



He was sad, he truly was. He felt like he had to put on a brave face for everyone else since... Well... Nick is always the one who has his shit together right? Not this time unbeknownst to those he comforted, he would feel the sorrow when he was alone.



He became even more bitter and stand offish. This stung like a Cazador sting, and he made sure that the world around him knew that it did by taking it out on the people and things in it.



She stayed in her office and constantly cried silently for the first week. After that though she began a mission to learn everything about suicide. She planned to write an article because, just like she wrote in her paper, 'someone close to me committed suicide... I plan to learn as much as I can to understand why. That way I can help other know so that they don't have to go through it like I am'

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