Chapter 25

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My eyelids flew open the second I felt the mattress sink. Not under my weight. Under someone else's. A dark, hooded figure kneeled over me- it was too dark to see any discernible features. And just as I was about to let out a scream, a hand flew over my mouth. I screamed against the hand, my body thrashing wildly in an attempt to get out from under the figure. It must've been a guy, he weighed too much and was too big to be a girl.

"I knew you could sense what I was the moment you saw me. You knew something wasn't right, you just didn't know what. Your boyfriend did, though. I'm surprised he didn't do anything about it," I heard a voice from underneath the hood. I swung my arms, hoping to catch him off guard, but I couldn't reach his torso, His arms were longer than mine. I kicked my legs in an attempt to throw him off, but he was resting his weight on my hips, so it did little to sway him.

I had to make noise. And with his gloved hand over my mouth, I couldn't bite him to get free, and I couldn't scream to get Grey. So, I did the only thing I could think of that would make enough noise. With a downward push from my legs, I rammed the top of my head back into the headboard. It slammed against the wall, causing bits of plaster dust to fall from the ceiling. The guy paused as if he didn't understand what I was doing. I could feel the warm liquid trickling down my scalp, and I knew I was bleeding. But I had to do it again, or Grey wouldn't know. So, I closed my eyes tight and sucked in what little air I could, slamming my head back into the headboard again.

"Keep doing that and I won't have to kill you. You're doing it yourself," the man above me chuckled and I whimpered slightly, thrashing my body back and forth helplessly. I hated this. I hated feeling helpless. The entire point of training was to prepare me for this. And here I was, waiting for Grey to come and save me. Tears brimmed my eyes and my vision blurred, but I could still make out the shiny silver blade that the man pulled out of his hoodie pocket. I screamed louder against his hand, and even though my head was killing me, I slammed it again into the headboard.

I heard some scuffling from far away and watched the door fling open, but the sounds were inaudible. It sounded like I was underwater. I sucked in a breath of air once I felt the weight lifted off my hips and my hands gripped my head to stop the bleeding. There was yelling, and there was a commotion, and I'm pretty sure a mirror fell off the wall because I distinctly remember the sound of glass breaking. The words were fading in and out, and I could only make out a few at a time.

"-how did you know?- did you tell?" I knew that voice. That was Grey. I felt my body relax a little bit more once I realized he was here.

"-we all know-doesn't have long-find her and kill her-" the other voice drowned in and out of clarity, but from what I gathered, things weren't looking too good for me.

"-touch her- I will kill all of you," I heard Grey speak again, and I turned my head slightly, hoping to see what was going on, but it was all blurry. One figure was pinned up against the wall, another, taller one, was holding him there. And then, the one pinned to the wall dissipated, as his entire body had turned to dust.

"Grey-" I breathed, my eyelids starting to feel heavy. I hoped that the one who remained was Grey. I knew it was when the figure rushed over to the bedside, placing his hand over mine on top of my head.

"-fuck- what were you thinking?" I heard him curse, but I could barely make out the features of his face.

"He was gonna-gonna-" and then everything went black.


"-you were supposed to take care of her. You were supposed to protect her," I heard an angry voice.

"Don't you think I realize that? I'm an Angel. I'm not psychic," a voice shot back.

"She nearly killed herself trying to get your attention," the other voice spat angrily.

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