Chapter 8

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"You lying was not part of this deal." I scowled angrily, unlocking the car door and swinging it wide open. I ignored him as he called after me, opting to run towards the warm safety of the sorority.

What a jackass.

I couldn't believe I thought he was actually going to answer my question. Of course, he wouldn't. He saw that I wanted something and decided to use it against me to gain some knowledge about me. If I could avoid him I would. The only problem was, I had my chemistry lecture with him tomorrow. There was no way he'd let me sit alone. Makenna had already told me she was ditching tomorrow, not wanting to face Grey. If I could ditch too, I would, but I had already promised her I'd get her the notes.

I slammed the huge oak door behind me, leaning my back against it as I practically tore off my soaking raincoat. So much for waterproof. I guess Washington monsoon season was the exception to that label. I was soaked to the bone. And yet, I wasn't cold. I guess the fire of my anger was keeping me warm.

"You look like a wet dog," Allison chuckled, leaning against the wall across from me, chowing on a cookie with a sly smirk on her face. Her blonde locks were curled to perfection, falling in little ringlets down to her waist. How, in this weather, did she manage that?

Here I was looking like that girl out of "The Ring" and she managed to look as flawless as she always does. Damn sorority girls- they're invincible.

"I'm sure," I sighed in frustration, running my hands through my wet hair in hopes of keeping it out of my face.

"Why were you out in that storm?" She motioned outside with a nudge of her chin and I shrugged, eyeing her as she whipped another cookie out of her hoodie pocket. She was sneaking them up to our room, wasn't she?

"Hiking," I replied, taking off my hiking boots so I didn't track mud all through the house. It didn't really help much, to be honest. Even my socks were soaking and made a little squish sound with each step I took upstairs.

"Only you would choose to go hiking in the rain," Allison sighed, strolling next to me as we walked towards our room. She pulled another cookie out of her pocket and began munching on it as we entered our room. I swear, this girl's metabolism- she could eat all of the cookies present in the world right now and still be hungry.

"It smells nice. And everything looks better when it rains. I'm gonna go take a shower. I'm pretty sure I smell like a wet dog too," I smiled faintly, throwing my soaking clothes in my hamper before heading to the community shower down the hall. My first year of college, I had lived in the honors dorms, and they each had their own bathroom. Needless to say, it'd been a hard adjustment to community bathrooms after being pampered like that.

After a quick hot shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and headed back to my room. Allison was now sleeping in her bed, a half-eaten cookie dangling out of her mouth. Totally a choking hazard, and also totally something I wanted to videotape if it happened.

I put on a pair of sweats and an oversized hoodie, snuggling up under my grey wool blankets with a book, as if it would somehow distract me from the mess my life had become. I was on page 14 when a knock resounded on my door frame. Our door was open, so I immediately saw that it was Makenna. She looked better today, happier. Her eyes flicked to Allison and then back to me.

"She's out cold, huh?" Makenna chuckled in a whisper and I smiled and nodded, watching Allison as she let out a groan and turned on her side, the cookie falling off her face and onto her sheets.

"Yeah. What's up?" I asked, placing a bookmark in the book and setting it on my nightstand.

"Oh, yeah. Riel is at the door asking for you. Should I send him up or are you coming down?" She asked quietly. Riel? What was he doing here? I'd just seen him like 2 hours ago and he made it pretty clear he'd rather I took a ride home with Grey than with him.

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