Chapter 16

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I followed Riel outside towards Grey's sleek black Camaro, now coated with the droplets of the recent rainstorm. It smelled insanely sweet outside, with the saccharine scent of pine trees mingling amongst the smell of the rain sitting on the damp earth. If I could've bottled up the scent as a perfume, I would.

I inhaled deeply, not only because of the addicting scent post-rainstorm but also because it seemed like no matter how much oxygen I sent to my brain, it couldn't begin to process everything that had happened in the last day.

I had almost kissed Grey. I had fallen off of a cliff. I was saved by a Fallen angel. I was held hostage in this annoyingly beautiful house in the middle of the forest. I discovered that Riel and Grey were angels that were after my soul. Then, Grey actually kissed me, against my will, might I add.

Arrogant asshole probably thought I would've kissed him back.

Grey opened the passenger door of the Camaro, folding the passenger seat forward so I could clamber into the tiny seats in the back. Normally, I was almost never in the backseat of a car. My height gave me the logical advantage over most anyone who called shotgun. However, both Riel and Grey were taller than me. Riel by a good 3 inches- Grey by at least half a foot, if not more. Who knew angels were giants?

Grey leaned casually against the passenger side door, a suave smirk curling up his pale lips as he watched me approach him. I scowled, resisting the urge to swing a right hook at his cheek.

"My lady," he breathed, his eyes watching me like a hawk's. I grabbed hold of the back of the passenger seat to ease my way in, sitting in the center, which allowed me to straighten my back because the roof was higher.

"Oh, shut it, asshat," I snapped and Riel snorted in approval. Grey didn't seem too pleased with my comment, letting out a low growl as he walked around the car to the driver's side. Riel pushed the passenger seat back into place with a click and climbed in, as did Grey.

"So, why are you in a sorority? You're not exactly the type I'd expect to be in one," Riel turned around over his seat, a crooked smile gracing his lips.

"Because I'm not blonde?" I quipped, holding up a wavy strand of my dark auburn locks. Riel shook his head with a chuckle.

"No. You're very introverted. And sarcastic. I find that most people, in general, find a combination of those two qualities intimidating," Riel replied and through the rearview mirror, I could see Grey roll his eyes as he spun the car around, speeding back down the road.

"Maybe that's exactly why they wanted me. Someone's gotta do all the confrontations, right?" I replied with a sly smirk. Riel's eyes traveled down to my lips and then settling back on my eyes before turning around. Grey let out a huff, like a child who wasn't getting enough attention.

"I'm sorry, Grey, are we bothering you?" I inquired, folding my arms across my chest. Grey's constant need to make his presence known was beginning to annoy me.

Grey's eyes flicked into the rearview mirror, locking intensely with mine. His pupils dilated slightly, the motion appearing drastic because of how pale his eyes were.

And right now, he looked royally pissed off.

Understandably. I had bitten his lip when he had kissed me against my will. He's had a rough morning.

I felt like I should be more frustrated with the both of them, attempting to worm their way into my life just so they could win my soul. Grey had hoped he'd be able to seduce me into it, while Riel had hoped he'd gain my favor through trust and respect.

Nonetheless, I'd be an idiot if I didn't choose to fight for Heaven. But that didn't mean I was going to give them a decision yet. Grey had chosen to string me along, using what little emotions I have against me, so you could bet your sorry ass I was going to use this against him. If he wanted my soul- he was going to have to work for it. He was never going to get it, but that didn't mean I couldn't use him like he was using me.

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