Chapter 11

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I abruptly turned around and clambered back inside the car. Screw this. I'm not on a date with him. I wasn't about to let him think that that was what this was. He'd just get all cocky and probably tell everyone he could that I went on a date with him, even if it was without my knowledge. He'd do it just to spite me.

He let out a hearty laugh, flashing me his dazzling smile as he placed his hand on the top of my car door, leaning against it. A strand of his dark locks fell down across his eyes and he ran his hand through his hair, brushing it back. "We're not leaving, Greene, might as well get out of the car," he grinned, obviously very proud of himself. I clenched my jaw and faced him, narrowing my eyes at his crystal blue orbs.

"This isn't a date, Grey. I don't like you. You don't like me. This isn't a date," I scowled and Grey merely smirked. He looked so arrogant right now. That crooked smirk on those perfect lips, that twinkle in those light blue eyes, knowing that he had me in checkmate. I wanted to smack that smirk off his face.

"You don't like me yet, Greene," he winked, leaning nonchalantly against the car door. He took in a deep breath, closing his eyes and listening to the silence of the forest. Against the surreal backdrop of this lush forest, he looked positively inhuman. It seemed like everything about him, save for his personality, was far too perfect to be real.

"I don't like you ever, Grey," I rolled my eyes and got out of the car, standing face to face with him. It was close, a little too close for comfort. His eyes wandered across my face, one of his eyebrows slightly raising as he went from my lips to my eyes. I scowled and cocked my head to the side.

"Move," I demanded and Grey smirked, knowing I didn't feel comfortable being this close to him. He took a step back, somehow making that mere movement seem arrogant, and reached in his back pocket, pulling out a key. As he did so, his cerulean eyes wandered up my body, before he turned around and walked up the wooden steps to his beautiful house. I followed him up the steps, watching the waves crash on the rocky shore below the house. Seriously, how could he afford this? And the car? His parents must be loaded.

He opened the door for me, and I let him, seeing as he threw a hissy fit the last time I opened the door for myself. I never understood the whole door opening thing anyways. Sure, it's supposed to be 'gentlemanly', but I have a pair of working arms. That, and, he's not a gentleman, and he knows I know that. I didn't know what he was playing at anymore. I swear, he was like a wild animal. I never knew what he was going to do next, let alone the purpose behind his actions. It bothered the hell out of me.

We walked straight into the living room, which consisted of a wall of windows overlooking the ocean, and very rustic decor. He had a dark grey sofa, a minimalistic coffee table, and wrought iron fixtures on the lights. The floors were grey wood, the walls the same dark wood as the exterior. Needless to say, it looked straight out of a magazine.

"Nice place. Your parents have great taste," my eyes roamed around the large room as I wandered over to the windows to look outside. Clouds were sweeping over the ocean, heading our way with a slight breeze. Right outside the windows sat an infinity pool. Seriously, this guy was loaded. The pool would be way too cold right now, but I imagined that, in the summer, that pool was the best part of this place. Besides, perhaps, the easy access to hiking trails.

"You mean I have great taste," he smirked and I turned around to look at him, raising an eyebrow. There was no way he could afford all of this by himself. He looked no older than 22. This was easily a multimillion-dollar home, and he drove a pretty nice car. Plus, he was in college! College costs as much as a home these days.

"You live here by yourself?" I asked, feeling very uncomfortable all of a sudden. I was alone. With Grey. In his house. Once again, I had wandered right into one of his webs. He smirked, his eyes twinkling as he took a step towards me.

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