Chapter 23

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I had never danced like this before, with anyone. I had never let anyone touch me at all, let alone the way these two random guys were touching me right now.

I was pissed. And I knew I was letting my anger cloud my judgment, but I felt hurt and rejected by Grey, and this was the only way I knew how to deal with it. By pretending it didn't affect me. By acting out. By being reckless. I didn't know who these guys were. All I knew was that one of them had their hands on my hips, grinding me against them, and the other had his whiskey-ridden breath fanning my neck as he danced in front of me. The music was loud, and somehow, I'd convinced the bartender I was 21. Don't know how, but apparently, Makenna had made me look older than I'd thought. Anyways, I'd had probably 5 or 6 shots of tequila? I wonder if that's bad.. I didn't really care though. There was a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach and a dumb smile on my face. The music was so loud I couldn't hear my own thoughts. Everything seemed fine to me. Nothing mattered.

"What's your name?" The one dancing in front of me asked. He had fawn-colored brown hair, or at least I thought so. I guess my perception was a tad off under neon lights. Regardless, he had a nice bone structure and scruffy facial hair that reminded me of Old Spice commercials. He was cute. He would do.

"Jordan," I replied drunkenly, swaying my hips back and forth. I'd never thought I was a good dancer until those shots of tequila. Now, these guys seem to think I am too.

"I like it. I'm Stephen, this is my friend Will," he motioned to the guy grinding behind me, who had dark hair and pale yellowy skin. His eyes were narrow slits, and I could barely see his irises, but he smirked slightly when I had turned to look at him, and it seemed friendly enough to me. Alcohol, guys- it's wonderful.

"You have any plans after this, Jordan?" Stephen asked, his rancid breath fanning the skin near my ear. Oh. This guy wanted to hook up with me. Yikes.

"Yes, she does," I heard a low snarl from beside me and my stomach lurched.

Grey. He came back. I turned to look at him, and he stood there, his cerulean eyes luminescent under these flashing neon lights. You could tell he wasn't entirely human. There seemed to be a sort of aura of pure power and danger radiating from him, a threatening look in his eyes as he stared me down.

"You her boyfriend?" Stephen asked, noticing the cold glare held between us and stupidly taking a step forward as if to challenge Grey. Ah, Stephen. It's a good thing you're pretty.

Grey merely smirked at Stephen, looking more and more like a predator as he took a threatening step towards him.

"Hands off her. Now," he threatened, his eyes narrowing at Stephen, who took his hands off my waist faster than he had put them there (which was really quick once I started dancing, let me tell you).

"Grey, leave us alone, we're having fun," I scowled, trying my best to annunciate my words, but I could feel them slurring together as they left my lips.

"You're drunk. How did you get the bartender to serve you?" Grey took a step closer to me, examining my eyes carefully. I frowned and looked up at him defiantly, jutting out my chin and crossing my arms.

"I'm fine," I retorted, but Grey saw right through me before the words had even left my mouth. He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me flush against him, an iron grip on my hips.

"Hey, man, that's not very nice," Stephen took a step forward again, but this time, Grey wasn't playing nice. A low, animalistic growl vibrated through his chest and I shivered, feeling what seemed like electricity flowing across my skin. I looked up at him.

His eyes were glowing.

No, not like 'oh they're glowing under the neon lights, so pretty', like legit glowing like there was a glow stick in his irises. They were an iridescent blue, wild and animalistic, and directed at Stephen.

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