Chapter XXVI

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Chapter XXVI

Merelda sat in front of Mitch with a grim expression. She looked less human than normal. "It is not too late to withdraw. We can claim you had a debilitating injury while training. You will not miss your face." 

"The expression is lose face." 

Merelda grabbed his hands. "That doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that if you fight today, you will die. I do not wish to see that happen." 

"Look, all of the fame and accolades I've achieved, none of this means anything to me. All I want is my freedom." 

Merelda gave an exasperated sigh. "And why is this so important to you?" 

"These alien invaders took my planet. Earth wasn't perfect before all of this, but at least we humans were in charge of our destiny. They robbed us of that." 

Merelda shook her head. "You act as if you are the only who has had your planet conquered. I assure you that you are not. My home world has been occupied for three generations. My kind no longer even seeks independence." A forlorn look took over Merelda's face. 

Mitch touched the soft skin of her face. "I'm sorry. Is that why you are helping me?" 

Merelda playfully pushed his chest. "I am helping you because I want to have sex with you, you silly human." 

"Look, I get your concern, but what I need from you is strategy to defeat Salandar." 

Merelda was adamant about his safety, but Mitch was equally adamant about the choice he made. 

Merelda threw her hands in the air, her blue-green face turning purple. "Don't you think I would have given you instructions if I knew how you could defeat Salandar? He's unlike any being I have seen. Salandar is a genetically engineered mix of three races, all vicious fighters, the perfect killing machine. None of his opponents have even inflicted any damage upon him. He is a thug, convicted for killing three members of my species, the Zohn, at the Festival of Light for no reason." Merelda turned away from him. "And he killed my ex-lover at the Games." 

"I'm sorry." 

"I don't want to lose you the way I lost him. I am not Ruje. I care about you, Mitch. Rumor is that he has killed many more beings whom he has not been convicted for. He has no weaknesses." 

Mitch crossed his arms. "He has to. No one's invincible." 

"I have viewed all of Salandar's previous combats. If he has a weakness, I can't find it." 

Neither said anything for some time. A few minutes later, Ruje entered the room, his hands raised in triumph, his two faces grinning feverishly. "Today is indeed a grand and glorious day. Dignitaries from the universe will grace us in their presence. The current rumor is that the Minister of Science has a special guest of honor, Zolmethier, the Grand Emperor of the Twelve Circles." 

Merelda gasped. "Zolmethier?" 

"It appears that even the Grand Emperor would like to watch Mitch Grace battle the great Salandar. It is a bit of a surprise when you consider that Zolmethier loathes the Minister of Science, yet will be in his presence today." 

"Why's that?" Mitch asked. 

Ruje waved his hand. "I try not to concern myself with the political arena. The battle arena is far more of interest. It is a long standing grudge between the two, perhaps the reason why the Minister of Science has not been able to rise higher in his political career." 

"Interesting. Then I guess I have something in common with this Grand Emperor." 

"Your popularity is so vast that even Zolmethier has become a fan of your work. There can no longer be doubt that I am the foremost promoter of the Games." Ruje laughed. "With all of this attention I may be forced to stop pursuing my less legal activities. No matter, my fortune will be vast." 

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