The Phone Call (Chapter 14)

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Kara's POV

It has been about a month since we have gottten back from the boat trip. It has been the same thing everyday- wake up, eat, get ready in the bathroom, walk with Carlos to the classroom along with my homework, have class, eat lunch with Carlos, back to class, go to his dorm to do homework (usualy studing for tests), kiss a little, sometimes eat dinner with him, but when he walks me across the hall to my dorm he gives me a kiss then leaves. I go take a shower, hang out with Carolina and some of her friends, go back to my dorm to relax and watch tv, then finally sleep.


"Hello?" I answered. I wondered   what time it was. I checked the alarm clock which said it was 4:37 in the morning.  i could hear Carolina move around in her bed. Must have woken her up. Wops.

"Hey sweetie, its your mom. This is kind of important."

"Well, it must be if its at 4:30 in the morning." i said irritated.

"I don't really know how to say this, but..." my mom did not talk for a few seconds. I heard some sniffling in the background.

"Just let me say it" I heard my brother's voice faintly. "Hey, sis... I don't want to tell her."

"Fine i will." my dad said. "Hey,Honey. i wanted to tell you-"

"Please tell me that no one else is going to talk to me." i said.

"Nope, just me. Uh, you know your cousin, Brett."


"Well, he and his two other friends went into a restaurant and saw a man pushing around lady and Brett told him to stop. Well the guy that was pushing around the lady went out to his car and brought back a gun. He shot Brett and his two friends. So, ya know Brett and his two friends are with God and Jesus now."

"oh" was all i could say.

"I'll just hang up now so you can get some sleep. See you over your little Thanksgiving break tomorrow. Love you so much, bye!"

"Love you too! bye" i pushed the end button.Brett was just two years older than me.

"I heard everything and i am so sorry." Carolina said as she came to my bed and put her arm around me. She was a really good friend.

That story was unfortunately true for my Great Grandparents friends in South Carolina, Except it was their son and that was probably not his name. Sorry i have not been updating.  I just got braces on Wednesday and i want to yank them out so badly!!!!!! Softball tournament this weekend! Yay (sarcastic) I hope a ball does not hit my mouth. Ok, Bai!

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