My 1st Day (Chapter 8)

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    I slam the Snooze button, sit up slowly, and the turn the alarm off.  Carolina is already in the shower. I figured that since I took a shower that I could do one tonight again. I changed into my clothes for the day that I set out before I went to bed. I knocked on the door and asked to do my makeup.

    "Sure, but don't be a lesbian and open the shower curtain." Carolina said. I started to laugh. So I put my makeup and used the pubic restroom to do my business. I came back to watch some tv in Disney Channel. I was never too old for that.

    I saw what time it was and gathered my school supplies. Then, I heard a knock on my door.

     "Hey" said a familiar male voice. I looked through the peek hole and saw that it was Carlos and his roommate, Zac.  I opened the door.

     "Hi" I said. I smiled.

     "How was your first night?" Carlos asked.

      "Good, yours?"

       "Good enough. There's this train outside on Zac and my side of the building."

        "The train went by at 12:00 and 3:00. Its stupid how they have to honk their train horns in the middle of the night?" asked Zac.

        "Well, I hope that you sleep good tomorrow night." I said smiling. We kept on walking for about 10 seconds of  silence.

         "Why are you so nice and happy all of the time?" asked Carlos with a smirk.

        "Do you want to see me angry all of the time?? Plus my family is Christian." I said.

         "Oh the Christian part makes sense." said Carlos.

          "If you want to see me really happy, give me cinnamon. I know what brand it is, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, which I had for breakfast, and cinnamon rolls, or cinnamon muffins, or just anything cinnamon will work for me." I said really quickly. I was taking deep breaths trying to control myself. "I'm hungry now is anyone else?"

          "Wow, that was a lot." said Carlos.

            "I could go for a cinnamon roll or something about right now." said Zac.

             "Whoa, guys we can have that stuff for lunch, just calm down. We better get to class. it starts in 10 minutes." said Carlos.

                       Thanks guys for all of the reads. :)  I should probably pack some last-minute things for South Carolina now. BYE!! :)

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