One Day Down, 3 more Years to go (Chapter 9)

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      Kara's POV

   My first day of college was finally over. Carlos and I were walking back to our rooms.

"So what do you think?" Carlos asked.

 "About what?" He looked at me, an 'are you serious look'.  "Oh, yeah. It is not as bad as regular school, but it is definitely more interesting."

    "Yeah, you've got that right. I can't wait to go on the boat trip to Hawaii and back."

   "That does sound fun, but we just got here."

 "Well, it is in 2 weeks."

"Yeah." his hand bushed past mine, but he didn't say anything

  "Do you need some help carring your stuff?" he asked as we were getting into the elevator.

"Um,  sure. Thanks" I handed him my pencil pouch. I pushed the 3 button. There was awkward silence.

 "So... Do you want to go to get something to eat for lunch tomorrow?" Carlos asked.

"Sure." I was starting to scream inside. "Where at?"

"We could go to McDonald's or some other place a little fancier. I mean we have an hour of lunch so we have time."

"Well, I guess we could go to McDonalds. I mean, it's fast and simple." I looked up and smiled at him. He is 5'6" and I am 5'3." He smiled right back at me. His teeth were so white. Sometimes I wonder what is going through his mind.


The doors opened and he let me go out first.

Carlos's POV

I stared at her. She was so pretty. I talked to Zac about her, I told him about my crush on her. Even though I didn't really trust him yet I just had to tell some one and he looked like he was someone that I could trust.

I took out my room key and went in. I heard noises inside and walked in on Zac and his girlfriend Miranda. They did not seem to notice, so I set my stuff down on my desk and realized that I still had Kara's pencil pouch. I watched them for like five seconds. Then I grabbed my key and walked across the hallway to Kara's room. I closed the door and the noises stopped. I heard mumbling then I heard the tv come on.

 I knocked on Kara's door.

Sorry I haven't been writing there's softball, blizzard bags and my life. I watched the Paccio and Bradly( I don't care if I spelled their names wrong.)  fight last night at buffalo wild wings and my mom drove me and my sister home at 12:01 (and if you are wondering I'm not even old enough to drive so I'm not going to get drunk anytime soon or ever. I hope). Paccio won!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!! So I'm going to try to type the chapters on the weekends so BYE!!~!!

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