Chapter 22

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Hello friends. You thought I would never return?


Welcome... to chapter 22. I've decided to say "to hell with the show plot line" because my heart is broken and things are getting confusing so basically I haven't seen anything from the recent season so oops but also I'm gonna carry on this fanfic in classic supergroup style.

Welcome back.

Kara was panicking, is panicking, will always and forever be panicking. The light blue dress didn't freaking work and she had long outgrown her yellow one and nothing made her feel like she wanted. But she didn't have much time.
In about 30 minutes Lena Luthor was going to arrive at her apartment and take her on a DATE. A real, honest to Rao DATE.
Nothing could calm those nerves, not an encouraging text from Alex and Maggie, not even a kickass afternoon of crime fighting.
So there she stood, in the middle of her apartment with clothing thrown haphazardly around her like The Flash had run around her room a thousand times.
Not good, no not good at all.
Kara decided to look back at her closet when another thought hit her.
The box.
A few months ago, Kara had been out shopping with Alex when she had purchased an item of clothing she never thought she would wear, but Alex had insisted telling her sister "You look like a total hottie and I have NEVER seen you smile that bright."
So Kara left the box, and she hadn't touched it, or even THOUGHT about it in months, until right now. And right now, was time.
Kara slipped it on slowly, careful not to crease the fabric as she pulled and tucked everything into place. When she turned around to face the mirror, she felt her own jaw go slack for a moment, just relishing in the feeling.
Kara had put on her navy suit with a polka dot button up that she had bought with Alex all those months ago, and now that she was starting to feel comfortable with her sexuality, she finally felt comfortable enough to play with her expression, and she felt perfect. She stuck her hands in her pockets, striking a few poses before she giggled in embarrassment, realizing how ridiculous she probably looked. Luckily enough, her moment was interrupted by the sound of her doorbell, and Kara didn't need x-ray vision to tell EXACTLY who it was.
She took a moment to catch her breath and wipe her sweaty palms against a randomly discarded towel before speeding to the door a smidgen faster than she intended, quietly cursing her powers. As soon as Kara ripped the door open, she was met with a view she hoped she never had to stop seeing.
Lena Luthor in a tight forest green dress, hair tousled just the way that sent chills down Kara's spine, and bright red lipstick that let Kara's imagination run wild. It was all too much to behold, but judging on Lena's face as she took in Kara, she wasn't feeling much different. Both stammered for a moment before making eye contact and blushing. Gay was in the air tonight.

"Len you look uhm- you- oh wow you look"

Kara paused to try and catch her breath and find the right adjective.

"I guess it would be best to say you look breathtaking... stunning, I- Wow."

Lena looked down at her feet shyly, the blush rising rapidly from her chest to her neck to her cheeks informed Kara that she wasn't the only blubbering mess at this interaction.

"I could say the same for you Ms. Danvers, you look ravishing."

The was Lena's words rolled of her tongue were sending shivers down Kara's spine like before, and she was trying incredibly hard not to remember the feeling of Lena's lips brushing against hers, their hips and chests flush, the intense radiating heat.

Kara cleared her throat, trying her best to resolve the obvious tension

"So Luthor, I heard you had plans for tonight?"

Lena scoffed at the obvious sarcasm

"Kara as if it would be any differently, but it IS a surprise so I am going to have to ask you to put this on when you get in the car."

She held out a bandana triumphantly, a smug smirk covering her still present blush. Kara rolled her eyes and locked her apartment door.

"Lead the way."

They got back into Lena's Subaru, a familiar constant in Kara's life was Lena driving them places, but as she put on the blindfold, this felt entirely unfamiliar, except for the smell. Kara held on to the smell of Jasmine and sandalwood which was so characteristically Lena to keep her grounded as the car started to lurch forward. Luckily, as the pulled away, Lena had turned on the new Hayley Kiyoko album, so the tense silence was filled by Kara's favorite music. Kara did't really know how long it took to fly anywhere, she was so used to flying, so her time in the car felt like centuries, especially since Lena clearly was not going to speak until they arrived at their destination. Kara knew she could use her X-ray vision, but it felt like she would be breaking Lena's trust and ruining the date. Instead, she sat, and she waited for the familiar cut of the engine. She heard Lena's door open, footsteps, then her own door opening. Before Kara could ask, Lena had grabbed her hand and helped her out of the car.
"I'll lead you, if you trust me?"

It came out as a multidimensional, and very personal question, but Kara played it off in the only way she knew how in that moment

"I wouldn't have let you drive me here in silence if I didn't Lena, lead the way."

She felt her body being dragged towards an elevator, and she didn't try and fight it. Before she knew it, she felt a door open, and the blindfold being removed. It took Kara a few moments to adjust, but she knew where she was immediately. Top floor of L corp, the tallest building in National City, with the very best view of the night sky and a picnic set up before them. Kara felt herself gasp, and then tears rush to her eyes overwhelmingly quickly. Lena peaked around her shoulder to gauge her reaction, but quickly panicked.

"Oh god Kara I am so sorry do you not-"

"Lena its, its perfect, I love it. Thank you."

Kara felt Lena's body visibly relax at her affirmation, but then Kara turned to face the woman fully again and drink up her features in the starlight. Kara would be lying if she said Lena wasn't absolutely a goddess bathed in that moonlight. Her exposed shoulders were pale and glowed in moon water and her eyes glistened cool and calm. Kara felt like she wasn't breathing, but she didn't really need to much anyways. What really caught her off guard was Lena rushing toward her pressing their bodies together and their lips meeting in the most feverish kiss. It was different than their first, this time all teeth scraping lips and tongues gently brushing in the most competitive way, neither Kara nor Lena liked to lose. It was fast, and it was deep and it was really really hot. Kara pulled away for a moment, looking at Lena with a raw mixture of adoration, lust, and slight confusion at the woman's action.

"I'm glad you found the location satisfactory... Supergirl."

Lena drew out the hero's alias name with the hint of a smirk on her lips but nothing but acceptance in her eyes. That didn't stop Kara from pulling away abruptly and turning into a sputtering mess.

"How did you-when-why how?"

Lena put her pointer finger right up to Kara's eyebrow and whispered


Kara cursed herself internally but it must have shown because Lena cut her off again

"I knew before then, I am just testing. You're not very subtle about 'flying' on public transport, or giving relationship advice or ya know, being missing for the same time period as me when we got kidnaped and NEVER being in the same room together, but yes, also the crinkle."

Kara laughed nervously still speechless and unsure of how Lena was dealing with this information.

"Common, I took you on a date for a reason, lets eat."

Kara laughed out loud before composing herself, Lena clearly didn't care about her alter ego or the fact that she had lied to her for all this time which was a complete relief.

"I really, this is beautiful Lena, and thank you, for like, being you and not being weird and I-"

"Kara, obviously. And the foods going to get cold."

"Heat vision, try me Luthor"

"Shut up Super girl."

Sorry guys its been like years! I promise I love and appreciate all your comments so freaking much lolol life just gets in the way but I am here now so here is a long fluffy chapter!!!

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