Chapter 17

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"Where to, Miss Danvers?"

Kara gave Lena simple directions as they drove through the quiet city.

It felt as though they had been driving for hours, but Lena would have stayed like that forever if she could.

A comfortable silence had fallen between the women as they drove past the National City limits, and even though Lena was confused about their destination, Kara knew exactly where she wanted to take the CEO.

It was a clear night, and comfortably crisp, the smell of late summer still lingering in the air. As they drove through the winding overpass, Kara uttered a few words:

"It's a left up here"

Lena nodded, taking Kara's instructions as she off-roaded onto a bumpy dirt path. Lena laughed as the car jolted, but Kara heard the woman suck in her breath in a surprised gasp as they reached their destination.

The car pulled to a stop as they entered a hidden gorge. The dirt path had turned into a grassy field. In front of them, a small lake glittered with the light of the stars and the sound of running water greeted their ears. Lena was shocked, she never knew something so beautiful would be so close to the big city where they resided

"It's-it's beautiful"

She whispered out, looking at their surroundings in awe

"I know, come on, let's get out, it's even prettier outside the car."

Kara jumped out of the passenger seat, a wide smile lighting up her face, as she ran around the other side of the car to open the door for Lena. She was nervous as hell but she covered it with her bright grin, hoping she had made the right decision.

As Kara watched Lena's eyes light up and her shy, blushing smile grow, she knew she made the right decision. Lena hopped out of the car, and wandered around, eyes trained on the sky as she made her way to the edge of the water. Kara watched her for a moment, an intense silence had fallen upon them, and Kara felt her heart pounding as she watched Lena's silhouette soak up the moonlight.

It was the most beautiful thing Kara had ever seen, she was sure of that.

Before she could stop herself, Kara heard her own voice calling out to Lena.

"Would you like me to teach you the constellations?"

Lena turned, and Kara could make out the wide smile that graced her lips. She couldn't help but notice how young Lena looked in that moment, so carefree. All signs of stress and suffering had abandoned her and she looked purely happy

"Would you? I have blankets in the back of the car. We can sit on the hood if you want."

Lena jogged back to the car, tripping over her untied converse shoe laces. Kara grabbed her arm and caught her before they both broke out in a fit of giggles. Kara's hand felt as if was electric at the touch of Lena's skin, and Lena felt as though her skin was burning under Kara's grasp. The giggling stopped as both dropped their eyes to the ground and blushed.

"I'll-um- I'll get the blankets..."

Kara nodded, letting go of Lena's arm quickly. Lena closed the trunk, carrying a pile of warm looking blankets and jumping on the front hood of her car. She wrapped herself up like a burrito in one of the blankets, snuggling into her flannel and the soft material. Kara jumped on the hood next to her, being careful not to dent it with her super strength. She also wrapped herself up like a burrito and scooted closer to Lena as they both looked up.

Kara was filled with an overwhelming loneliness when she looked at the stars. Even though she knew millions of other aliens lived out there, and she sat beside Lena, she still knew that she was the last who remembered her race, her people. She sighed loudly, not realizing that Lena was watching her profile curiously

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