Chapter 4

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Kara walked out of Cat Grant's office with a manila folder in hand, a bright smile on her face, and a new sense of purpose.


She could get used to the sound of that; definitely. After talking to Alex and taking lots of time to think on her own, Kara had marched right into her boss' office and told her what she wanted to do: journalism. Kara had spent her nights sitting on roofs, waiting for Super-girl duty, while thinking back to her meeting with the mahogany haired woman who had sparked this interest in the first place. Kara still wasn't sure how she felt about the Luthor, something kept the woman circulating in her mind for no good reason, but Kara wished she could just stop thinking about it. As Kara walked into her new boss' office, she forgot about Lena, bleeding heart journalism and....well... her happiness. She knew why they called him "Snapper" almost immediately, as the balding man in front of her was yelling commands obnoxiously at a bunch of rookie journalist who rushed around the room at his command. Kara was shocked, and confused, but tried to talk to him through the whirlwind of the room. He ignored her, and kept ignoring her persistence until he finally peered up from his computer with an annoyed frown.

"What. Since you're so damn needy, what do you want?"

Kara's words were caught in her throat at his harshness.

"If you've interrupted me for no good reason then you'll be the first intern that I've fired in the first hour. Now either speak or shut up, either way I have work to do."

Kara collected herself before starting

"Um hello sir... Mr...sir, I'm Kara Danvers and I'm your new intern, I was Cat Grant's assistant for awhile... so where is my desk?"

"Great. Cat Grant's minion. You don't get a desk, you get to stand like the rest of them. And your first assignment? Cleaning out the contact files in the closet down the hall."

He rolled his eyes at Kara's shock, and looked down at his computer, signifying that he was done listening or talking. Kara folded her arms across her chest in frustration before sulking out of the chaotic room and down to the closet. As she opened the door, she was almost knocked out of the closet by an avalanche of loose papers. Kara looked at the mess around her, sighing in defeat before she began the arduos process of organizing. It took her hours, but she was thankfully interrupted right before her lunch break. Kara heard her phone ringing and Alex's name pop up on the screen.

"Alex what is it?"

"Metallo. Main Street. Backup. Now."

Kara hung up the phone immediately, jogging out of the closet and out to the least used balcony on the building. She popped her shirt revealing her uniform, and let into the air, making her way to help her sister  fight. Even from thirty floors up, she saw the black ops DEO squad on the street below, attempting to blast back the villain who had made Kara's life a living hell. Kara flew straight at Metallo, fist out, landing a forceful punch straight at his chest, throwing him into the building behind him: the ground floor of L Corp. Kara grabbed him again throwing him in the pavement before a familiar wave of nausea hit her, leaving her susceptible to Metallo's counter attack: kryptonite. Kara felt his dead hands wrapping around her neck, as he bent down to whisper in her ear, his musty breath penetrating her nose.

"I came here on behalf of Cadmus, for Luthor, not you. But I am never above killing a super."

Kara was struggling to take in breaths as she felt his cold fingers pressing further into her neck, and the feeling of kryptonite brining her closer and closer to being unconscious. Before she blacked out, Kara saw heard a shot as Metal froze up, his hands loosing their grip on her neck as a voice called out

"Send my regards to mother."

And all went black.

A/N: WELP. There it is. Let me know what you think :)

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