Chapter 1

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       Kara didn't want to be there; and if it wasn't for strict DEO orders and some prompting from her cousin Kal, she wouldn't be. As far as Kara was concerned, the Luthor's made their opinions about extraterrestrial life very clear and she wanted nothing to do with the family who almost ended the only blood relative she had left, Kal-El. She didn't want to interview them, didn't want to talk to them, and she was certainly not interested in seeing them. This prompted Kara to wonder how Clark stayed so calm when he was standing in the headquarters of his mortal enemy, an art she still had not mastered. As every ding of the elevator lifted them closer to the penthouse office, he kept his eyes focused on his notepad, reviewing his questions thoroughly before the interview; calm and collected just like superman. Kara, on the other hand, was rocking nervously on the balls of her feet, the heel of her ballet flat smacking the floor as she glanced around the stainless steel elevator that seemed devoid of any warmth or light. As she watched the lightbulb illuminate floor 30 and the infamous ding resounds in her hypersensitive ears, Kara scrunched her nose, pushing her fake glasses up tightly against her face as a precautionary measure. She clutched her own notepad tightly, making sure her white button up was properly tucked into her fitted black pants, just as the door opens to reveal the front secretaries desk. Clark didn't even look up as he exited the elevator, walking straight to the desk where a petite woman was typing furiously at the high tech computer, as Kara stumbled behind him, taking in the sights around her. Above the computer lady's head was a large stainless steel "L" and Kara can't help but wonder if every damn part of the building was made out of steel because it's the only thing she's seen so far. The large windows let in an incredible amount of light, but the building still seemed harsh and lifeless. But the magnificent windows give way to a stunning view of National City, and Kara stared into the expanses of her home momentarily before jogging up to the desk where Kal-El was already charming the woman who had once been furiously typing away. Kara rolled her eyes and whispered just low enough for Clark's super hearing

"show off."

Clark elbowed her gently as he confirmed their appointment

"3:45 with Ms. Luthor? She will be with you momentarily, you may wait outside her office if you wish, largest door at the end of this hallway."

Clark nodded a polite thank you, giving her his signature super smile, and Kara did the same as she trailed behind him. They made it a few steps past the desk before breaking out in a fit of giggles, stopping before the large, stainless steel ("of course" Kara thinks) door. Kara was the first to speak.

"Does Lois know you charm the pants off of ever single person you meet, for Rao's sake!"

Clarke giggled

"Well at least I get us places, unlike you with your distracted wandering and nervous tapping."

Kara gasped with fake indignation

"I was NOT tapping-"

"Heel tapping Kara, same thing... just try and be professional, I know you can, and you know I need this, for more than just the article... I need to know what the Luthor's are up to."

Kara nodded, all jokes aside

"Kal of course, now let's go get some dirt."

Clarke laughed again, rolling his eyes as he opened the door, revealing the glass penthouse office of L-Corp CEO:
Lena Luthor. 

A/N: Hope you liked it :)

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