Chapter 18

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I'm gonna put ***** when you should start the song so it works with the chapter.

"Super-girl, as soon as you bust that robbery on Main Street, J'onn said you were free for the rest of the day if you want."

Kara sighed gratefully as her sister spoke through the head piece.

"Thanks Alex, are you spending the night at Maggie's again?"

Kara heard her sisters girlish giggle through the phone

"Well since she is my fiancé she asked me to move in with her.... I'll be unloading some stuff tonight!"

Kara squealed at her sisters news, laughing gleefully as she heard Alex sigh in fake exasperation

"Just go fight some crime Super-girl, we can talk about this later! Love you sis."

"Love you too Alex."

Kara spent approximately 46.3465 seconds beating up two thugs who had broken into the bank. It ended with their arms twisted around their backs as they begged Super-girl to let them go.

From there, Kara couldn't think of anywhere to go, so she just flew mindlessly

Until she ended up at a balcony.

A very familiar balcony.

Lena's balcony.

They hadn't spoken since their stargazing adventure a few nights prior, and Kara wasn't sure she wanted to. The moment she confronted the feelings she tried so hard to push down, would be the moment they became real. Once Kara walked through that door she knew she couldn't walk back through.

But she landed on the balcony anyways.

Kara stood for a moment, watching Lena hunched over her desk form behind. She was filling out some paperwork,  but through the open balcony door, Kara could hear that she was singing a long to a song that played quietly in the background.********** Kara watched her messy, dark ponytail as it traced Lena's back, before realizing the CEO wasn't in work attire at all, she was in comfy cloths.

Kara hadn't seen Lena in normal people clothing since she had been home bound from the accident, and it totally threw her off guard.

Lena wore, black leggings with an oversized Beatles t shirt and a pair of vans, and while it was technically unprofessional, Kara couldn't help but think about how cute she looked.

There it was again.


No matter how hard Kara tries to fight it, her brain kept coming back to the adjectives that could only point to one thing.

She liked Lena.

She like liked Lena.

But there were a hundred thousand what ifs.
What if Lena wasn't queer, what if she found out about Super-girl, what if she wasn't actually single....

What if she didn't like Kara.

Kara pushed those thoughts out of her head as she placed her hands on her hips, wandering inside the office. As she approached the desk, she cleared her throat a bit, just to make her presence known. Lena's head whipped around as she shrieked in shock and fear, only visibly relaxing after realizing it was Super-girl in her office, not another trained assassin.

Kara was doubled over in laughter and Lena had the most irritated pout on her face as Super-girl tried in between giggles to apologize.

"You cant just sneak up on a girl like that."

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