Chapter 8

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After an uneventful day at work, Kara was grateful to step out of the office exactly at 3:00. She decided once again to be early to her meeting with Lena, so she headed towards the little coffee shop where they were going to talk.

Kara entered the small cafe, the scent of strong coffee filled her nose, and she looked around to see if she was the first one there. After confirming Lena hadn't arrived yet, she went up to order a drink. The small old woman at the counter gave Kara a brilliant smile that she couldn't help but return

"Hello ma'am, may I have a hot chocolate with extra whip cream and a chocolate chip muffin please?"

"Of course dear, it will be ready in a few moments."

Kara smiled again, and waited at the counter until the older woman handed her the drink. She turned and found a comfortable little booth near a bookshelf and put her goodies down as she sifted through the antiques.

Kara didn't realize how long she had been standing there as she read through a 1960's copy of "Pericles" by William Shakespeare, until she heard a someone clear their throat behind her. Kara turned in shock, knocking over several books as she scrambled to put away the book and greet the dark haired woman. She saw that Lena's hair was down for the first time since they met, but she was still in CEO attire as per usual.

"Oh hi Lena sorry I was just- darn it- sorry, I was just- okay hold on I've got this."

Lena just laughed at the clumsy journalist in front of her.

"Kara it's fine. Let's sit. We have lots to talk about."

Kara nodded, flushed pink as she slid into the booth, holding her hot coco and muffin close.

"So Lena, may I ask why we're here? Obviously you read the article..."

"Yes Kara. I mostly just wanted to say thank you."

With that, Kara exhaled a breath of relief she didn't even realize she was holding in.

"You could have done a hatchet job, and I thought you would... especially when I found out about your pro alien views and your family connection to the Supers..."

"Lena. It's fine. Part of journalism is reporting the most honest truth you can give, and you allowed me to do just that. We are not our families, and it's only fair that you have an equal chance."

Lena smiled graciously at her, and Kara couldn't help but notice how much less intimidating she looked when she smiled like that, much less like a CEO and more like a young woman just sitting in a coffee shop on a relaxing afternoon off.

"Thank you Kara. When I was first adopted by the Luthors, I thought that my life would be wonderful. Anything was better than a group home, especially a family or rich scientists, but they only gave me material items, never their love or support... that's why I gravitated towards Lex. It felt like he really loved me, no matter where I can from. While Lillian only used me for my mind, Lex wanted to know me as a human, as his sister. Understandably I was crushed when he turned, but that only forced me to realize that just like good and bad aliens, there are good and bad humans, and it's about protecting yourself. That's why renaming L Corp has been so important."

Kara couldn't help but stare at the CEO as she poured her heart out for Kara, explaining her difficult childhood to the stunned reporter.

"I'm sorry Kara I shouldn't have sprung all of that on you I was just here to say thank-"

Kara cut her off mid sentence

"Lena. Stop. It's perfectly fine. I'm glad you opened up to me, it's obvious you need a friend, and maybe one who understands how you feel?"

Lena looked at her with a sparkling curiosity in her eye as she sipped her black coffee.

"How so?"

"Well I was adopted by the Danvers when I was thirteen. My parents died in an explosion that I barely escaped, and they took me in. I know how it feels to feel like you are the only one on your side, that you're the only person left. But you're not Lena, now you've got me."

Kara smiled one of her brilliant, sunshine smiles at Lena who all but melted under Kara's gaze. She had never felt this vulnerable but safe all at once.

"I'm so sorry Kara, I had no idea, but thank you for telling me."

"Of course Lena. That's what friends are for right?"

Lena smiled delicately, searching Kara's deep blue eyes for any evidence of a lie, but she could find none.

"Well I have to get back to finish up at the office, but I appreciate everything Kara, I truly do. Thank you for the article, and thank you for being a friend, most people in National City wouldn't touch a Luthor with a ten foot pole."

Kara giggled as she stood up from the booth, smiling at Lena again, before leaning in for a gentle hug. Lena tense up at first, almost panicking at the unfamiliar touch, but she soon relaxed into Kara's arms, reciprocating the gentle embrace. Both woman flush a dark pink as they pulled away,  whispering their goodbyes as Lena quickly made her way out of the coffee shop, turning once at the door to wave slightly at Kara. She waved back, grinning slightly, and watched the Luthor as she walked down the street. Kara was abruptly pulled from her thoughts by the older woman at the counter's comment

"You two are the cutest couple I have ever seen!"

Kara was sure that if your face could burn off from embarrassment, it would have been right then. She vehemently denied the woman's claim

"Nononononono, were not dating oh god no no no she's a friend yes a new friend just a friend of mine. Friend."

The lady grinned at her and winked, not uttering another word, leaving Kara a deep shade of red as she headed back to her apartment.

Much to her dismay, Alex was sitting on her sofa, but to makeup for it, she had brought potstickers from Noonan's.

"So sis, how'd the coffee date go?"


Kara was tired of being embarrassed by the situation but everyone kept assuming.

"Okay okay calm down, but what did she say?"

"She just talked about her family and being adopted and I think.... I think we're friends now."

Alex raised her eyebrow so high at her sister that Kara stormed into the kitchen to grab more potstickers. Alex's phone buzzed in her pocket and she saw a call from J'onn.

"Agent Danvers."

"Danvers is Kara there? We have eyes on Cadmus and they're about to make a move on Lena Luthor."

Alex called  Kara's name before getting back on the phone with J'onn

"I'll send her over to L Corp now, any other news boss? Even at 6pm on a Friday I can't get away from work eh?"

"None Danvers, just be lucky I let you out early today."

He chuckled, the humor evident in his voice as Alex hung up after saying her goodbye. Alex sighed and looked up to see her sister in full Super-girl attire standing before her.

"You needed me?"

"Cadmus is planning something at L Corp, could you keep eyes on Lena for a while tonight? DEO's orders."

Kara nodded, stuffing one more potsticker in her mouth and hugging her sister before jumping out of the window and soaring towards L Corp.

A/N: Next update will happen once all the chapters reach 50 views! Love you gaybies :)

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