Part 14

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"If you're Lucy then prove it! What city did I meet you in?" Natsu yelled. "Hargon. You were looking for Igneel, there was a fake salamander, I got tricked onto a boat, you came, got motion sickness, Happy flew me off the boat, I called Aquarius she washed the boat ashore, then you beat everyone up and blew up the town." "That doesn't prove anything." "Ash for brains, I think it proves everything." "How?" "She answered your question and more." Gray ash Natsu argued"If your still not convinced that ask me something else." I answer. "I would but I don't know what to ask." He answered. "Here" Gray said "What color was 'your' guild mark." ha said putting air quotes around the word your. "Pink. in my right hand." Happy flew over to me and sat on my shoulder. "Lucy, it's good to have you back." he said crying. "Lucy!" everyone cried and gave me a group hug. When the hug final brock I noticed Natsu was not there I went outside. "Natsu?" I yelled. Then I heard crying "Natsu." I saw him sitting on the ground sobbing. "I'm so sorry Luce. I was me who made you leave the guild. I had just made peace with myself about it after all this time and now your back. And I'm so sorry." "Hey, I don't blame you for it." "You don't?" "No because I had been sensing some weird energies the week Lisanna came back. The energy only seemed to effect the dragon slayers. It made Wendy not able to stop crying, and Gasheel was just overly cocky." "but I made you leave." "Yes, but because of that I got to meet my dragon and become a  dragon slayer." "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." "Hey Natsu." "Yeah?" "I never got the chance to tell you this before but, I love you." "Luce... I love you too." Natsu said softly

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