Part 4

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Natsu's POV
What? Luce is gone... She quit the guild. I don't know what to do. I look over at Lisanna and I saw her doing an evilish smirk. "What are you smirking at?" I asked "O nothing,just that the weaklings gone." Why did it hurt my heart when she talked about Lucy that way. I decided to go to Lucy's apartment. When I got there I when to the usual window but it was locked. I peeked inside and that there was nothing in her bedroom except a covered up boxspring. I got down from the window and went to the door. When I got into Lucy's apartment I found that all her stuff way gone. "How did she move out so fast?" I said out loud. I started to walk out of the apartment when I ran into Lucy's landlady. "Excuse me, but do you know what happened to Lucy?" "No, I don't when I came to collect this month's rent the apartment was cleaned out and there was the money on the counter." "O,ok thank you."

Time skip 1 years and 11 months later
Lucy's POV
I have been training with Silvia for almost 2 years now because I got done with my training with Igneel early. Fire magic was easy compared to fairy magic. Not only is fairy magic harder to learn it's also more powerful. "Stop daydreaming, you still have to work on this last spell."
This is what Silva looks:

Silvia said in her usual sweet tone

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Silvia said in her usual sweet tone. "Ok ok." "Alright this is the most powerful fairy dragon spell there is,so I'm going to show you how to do it and then you can try. Now you aren't going to master it in a awhile so just keep practicing." "Got it." Silava put one of her legs up, like the tree pose in yoga. Then she flexed her palms twice. Then two balls of fire lit up in her hands. One was red fire and the other was blue fire.  She then pushed to fire with her hands and made them go to the corners near her. Then she lit up a ball for pink fire and cast it out infront of her making a square with the 3 balls of fire and herself.  Then she put her leg down so she was standing then bent down and did something with her hands. It looked like she was brushing the air. Then she stopped stood up. She then stomped her foot on the ground and the square she had formed shot up with pink light. "Alright, now that you know that..."  "But you never said the incantation?" "O right I forget to tell you, This is a wordless spell. It's fueled by actions. This is 1 of 3 wordless spells in the world." "Then what is the spell called?" "This one is called The Dragon Dance." "OK, now let me try" I said.

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