Twenty two

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"In all the wild world, 

there is no more desperate a creature, 

than a human being, 

on the verge of losing love"


Blake's POV:

"The Gold's have asked us to escort you out of the building," one of the way too tall and masculine bodyguards said once he had walked up to us. 

Eden laughed sarcastically: "unless you plan to kill me, I'm not leaving, she's my girlfriend."

As soon as we had reached the hospital, Hanna and Andre stormed off to surgery room which we were obviously not allowed to be in. That left me, Luke and Eden behind, yet not even 10 minutes passed as the Gold's walked past us, only Ruby's father giving us a sympathetic smile. 

And here we were, just a few minutes after the Gold's had made their entrance, Luke still staring at the ground as he silently started to walk away, Eden shouting at the bodyguards as they escorted her out. 

"Is she really..?" I tried asking Henry who watched the scene unfold in front of us quietly.

He looked at me for a second, then averting his gaze back to the scene: "I think it is best you look after your sister from now on, Blake. Your work with the Gold's is done."

I couldn't help the tears that escaped my eyes: "at least allow us to say goodbye to her. It will destroy them if you kick us away like this."

Henry shook his head, looking at me one last time before he started walking in the direction of the restricted area: "take care of them, will you? You're all nice kids, would be unfortunate for one of you to mess up the others future."

Watching as he walked away, I stayed frozen in the same position, being unable to move. It was clear I couldn't go forward, but the thought of leaving just like that didn't seem right. She was like my sister after all. 

Even so, I still turned around and slowly made my way outside, where Eden was shouting at Luke. 

"Look at me you asshole!" she screamed, "how dare you just give up like that? How can you just walk away? She's there waiting for us yet you're letting her down like this!"

Luke just stood there, still staring at the ground as Eden lashed out on him. I walked up to Eden, placing an arm around her shoulder: "it's time for us to go sis."

She looked at me, with the gaze that clearly showed how much this was tearing her apart: "no," she said as her voice broke, "I can't."

I could only imagine the way this made her feel. Guilt seemed to be our biggest downfall lately, for not noticing red flags about Andre, Angel, not going after her sooner, not doing our job properly. We had failed miserably both as her family and bodyguards. 

"Eden," I said softly, "we need to go."

"Fucking drag me away then!" she shouted, "never am I leaving her side ever again, not before I know she is fine and well, okay? Gold's, you or whatever, try me, I dare you!"

"She's not fine, don't you get it?" Luke finally joined in, his eyes full of tears a little too apparent, "she's dead. You saw it, you saw her. There is no way she could be alive after all that blood, you know better. Listen to your brother and for once don't be selfish. Be better, for her."

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