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"We won't be distructed by comparison if we are captivated with purpose."

-Bob Goff

"When did you become so rude, bella?" Luke laughed at my attitude.

I raised my brow, crossing my arms on my chest: "you really don't want me to answer that, do you?"

He grinned at me awkwardly: "yeah, I guess I didn't give it enough thought.."

"Anyways," he got up from the bed, handing me one of the shots that had been in his hands the whole time, "shots"

I couldn't stop the corners of my mouth twitching upwards as we both took the shots. 

"What the hell was that? Tequila from devils ass or something?" I winced.

He coughed: "you're right, shit's disgusting. Blake gave it to me for my birthday, I guess it was his plan all along to poison me."

I laughed, completely forgetting about the past and everything else. He gave me a look, opening his arms: "come here, bella." 

And so I did, the hug was tight, I think part of us didn't want to let go since we knew that once we did, the moment would be over, the past would catch up to us. Yet I couldn't help but feel the familiar feeling of care and love I felt for this guy, I hadn't realized I'd missed him. 

"I knew you'd eventually realize you're in love with me and come running back," he said confidently, patting my back.

I pushed him away, laughing: "sure, you wish."

He looked at me, I looked at him and the moment was gone. The smiles and jokes disappeared out of the window replaced by awkwardness, guilt and past weighing us down. 

"So.." I looked at him, "how did you get in here?"

He gave me a wink: "you're a genius, but the fact that I'm drunk 98% of time doesn't make me any less of a one too."

I raised my brow once again, a teasing smile on my lips: "sure. But seriously, how did you?"

"About.." he said right when I heard Hanna's scream from the kitchen, which made him look at me awkwardly, "..that."

I gave him a murderous look, running downstairs to the kitchen: "Hanna, are you.."

Right then I reached the kitchen, seeing my girlfriend on the table with Angel on top of her, holding a knife to her throat, whilst smirking. 

"Kill?" Angel looked at me, raising a brow as if seriously asking me the question.

"That's my girlfriend, get off Angel!" I screamed, rushing over the table and pushing her off. 

"No need to get feisty babe," Angel shrugged me off, "just doing what I'm getting paid for."

I checked if Hanna had any wounds, whilst she just smiled: "I'm okay, preciosa, she's all talk."

"Henry!" I said loudly, whilst Hanna and Luke just looked at each other as if I had completely lost it. 

Sure enough a second later Henry and 3 other guys came rushing in from some kind of a secret entrance, a "fight me, bitch" look on his face and a gun in his hands, yet when he saw what was happening, he just rolled his eyes, whispering "abort mission, she's just being an idiot" in the device connected to his ear. 

"Did you forget how to make pancake batter or something, miss Gold?" he asked whilst the other guys were leaving. 

I looked at him, then at Angel and Luke, then back at him completely confused. My mouth was open, yet nothing was coming out, the ability of forming words suddenly gone.

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