He fucked me up

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Heyyaaa everyone! 

This is not an update for After she left, however, it is something even better - I am coming out with another book!

Yes, I know what you guys might be thinking - last time you did this you barely came out with 2 chapters for the new book you announced. WEEELLLL. I can't promise it's not happening again this time, but, to be quite honest, I get the same giddy feeling about this new book "He fucked me up" as I did when I started "She" and look where it got us! 2 books, nearly 300K reads later and I am about to finish the 2nd one. Who knows, I might just publish the series as well (:

Anyhow, without more unnecessary things that I most definitely feel like adding, here's the intro for "He fucked me up". 




I walked into the kitchen, only needing a glass of water to try and sober up from the crazy night out that was far from over.

I had left Jess (a fuckgirl that had fallen for me after making out with me once) in my bed. I guess when you're drunk and horny, even calling the clingiest girl ever sounds like a good idea.

I was not quite prepared for what was in front of my eyes.

A shirtless guy, with the most piercing blue eyes and messy dirty blonde hair. His body seemed to be hand crafted by Jesus himself. He was eating a sandwich and decided to look up and smile, no, more like smirk at me as he shamelessly looked me up and down in my oversized t-shirt under which I was nearly naked.

I didn't even like blondes, or blue eyes, it seemed too basic for me, and I could clearly tell this guy was way too childish for me. He looked both dumb and arrogant at the same time, which is clearly not the best combo. I rather went for the dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, or even better - green ones like mine. He was anything but my type.

So I looked to my left seeing my flatmate and immediately high fived her. We weren't even friends, had barely talked ever since we moved out weeks ago, but this was leftover rum in my system controlling me. Or was it vodka? Whiskey perhaps?

"Go get it, girl!" I said, wiggling my eyebrows.

And she did. She most definitely got it.

As I watched them walk out of the kitchen, might I add, the guy giving me a wink before walking out, I couldn't help but roll my eyes and smile at the thought that this guy would ever think he could get me.

Little did my present self know I would end up falling for a guy who's favorite food was pizza, who didn't go to university, liked grime music and, last but not least, had fucked 10 times the people I had. I didn't even know what emotionless fucking meant by then anyways.

But then again, what didn't change once I had made the decision to change the country I lived in and moved precisely 1029 miles from my home completely on my own?


A/N - Hey, slayers! I know most of you will be disappointed in me for this not being another girlxgirl book, but I really wanted to share this piece with you as it truly is my last few months on "paper".

I'm hoping this book could let you guys understand a little bit more of the way I think, act on daily basis, not that the other books don't have parts of me in them. It's also my first impression on the UK and the lifestyle here and how it has left a great impact on my everyday thinking and life.

Let me know if this little intro makes you at least a teeny tiny bit curious about what and how it happened. 

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