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Eden's POV (yes, guys - it's what you all have been waiting for)

"You're so beautiful, Ru," I whispered, kissing down her neck.

She laughed in response, pushing me back slightly, as she started unbuttoning my shirt. She was doing it slowly, a teasing smile decorating her gorgeous face. 

I traced her leg with my arm, feeling her tense underneath my touch as my hand got closer to her inner thigh, playing with the side of her thong.  Her expression changed immediately as well, her eyes turning slightly darker. 

"Just take them off already," she whispered, as she kissed my lips.


I grinned: "your wish is my command, princess." 


She smiled, flipping us around so that now she was on top: "this is why I love you."

Eden, wake up!

I opened my eyes, Blake standing in front of me with the worst undereye circles ever. I might of thought he was just tired, working too much. However, the dried blood on his shirt reminded me of the situation we were in. 

"How long was I asleep for?" I asked, looking around the colorless room.

"An hour," he ran a hand through his hair, "you should go to a hotel and get some proper sleep sis."

"No," I replied immediately, "you're the one looking like a shit. I can stay here, don't worry about it."

He smiled the weakest smile I'd ever seen: "not happening."

I looked to my side, seeing Luke sleeping in the hospital bed, attached to multiple machines: "at least go and get other clothes for when this idiot wakes up. It might just kill him to see you have a shit sense of fashion."

"I don't want to leave you alone," he responded.

I ran a hand through my hair: "I won't leave Luke's side only to go and put myself in the same or even worse position than he is in. Especially not even knowing what I would be dealing with."

I suppose he understood there's no point in having this conversation as he nodded, leaving the room. 

Moving my chair closer to Luke's bed, I put my hand in his: "it's going to be fine, buddy. We'll get through this."

We'll get through this, I kept repeating to myself.


I woke up to the familiar feel of metal blade digging into my throat. 

"You're going to get out of this bed quietly and walk out of this room with me right now," I heard the familiar sound of a girls voice in my ear. 

I complied. And I normally would of killed the person on the spot, but the fact that Ruby was sound asleep and vulnerable in the bed with me made me comply. She was the one I was meant to protect after all.

After getting out of the bed, we walked out of the bed and she was leading us further and further from the queen bedroom. It took me a few seconds before I put two and two together. I wasn't protecting Ruby by leaving, I was leaving her even more vulnerable to what was to come and that's exactly what they, whoever they are, wanted.

"I give you 3 seconds to tell me why I should let you live," I said to her.

"Come on, Ed, you know these tricks don't work on me," Angel said, digging the dagger deeper into my skin, making blood drip down my neck.

After She Left (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now