When you're sad

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This is the last thing requested by Hakufu04 so the next scenarios will be my ideas (or things requested by others). Thank you Harufu04 for the ideas!


Sawada Shin:

When your sad he would just cuddle you. He would sometimes go out and buy a teddy bear for you. You have atleast 11 now.

Uchiyama Haruhiko:

He would do some hairstyles in your hair, because you like the feeling of someone touching your hair. He would give you kisses on your temple while he does it.

Noda Takeshi:

When he notices your sad, he would take some candy and put on your favorite movie. If that doesn't work he will do funny faces to cheer you up.

Kuma Teruo:

He would make your favorite food and take you to karoake. He puts on your favorite song and sings it with you. He only sings for you, he doesn't for his friends.

Minami Youichi:

He would make cringy pick up lines that make you chuckle. If that doesn't work he would just try talking about good memories, which always cheers you up.

Yamaguchi Kumiko:

She would go from school to a store and buy your favorite desserts before she comes home. She would eat them with you and both watching funny shows together.  

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