Turning them on on purpose

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Sawada Shin:

Were sitting on his lap. He was too hot not to be turned on. Smirked having an idea. He was on his phone and falling asleep. Moved ass acting lke your not sitting good. He sucked in air fast before looking.asked what wrong is and gave him innocent eyes before he got up and slammed you to the table edge. He asked what the hell your planning. Smirked when seeing his boner. You can think of the rest.

Uchiyama Haruhiko:

He was working out now a days so he had abs now. Everytime he does his hair in a ponytail his shirt lifts and you get turned on. Got idea and did a crop top on to show your stomach and shorts so your legs are more revealed. Asked for a hair band and he stared at your body before giving. Did arms in air making the shirt lift half way showing bra. He got what your planning so said to stop the play and pulled you to him. Kissed you passionatly. The next day Kuma asked what wrong is with your legs since you were woobling a bit and Noda asked what the red spots in your neck was.

Noda Takeshi:

He came back from school and shouted it was a hard day but he froze. He stared as you were only in his shirt and wearing panties but that wasn't the biggest problem. You were licking the spoon. Noticed so acted like you didn't see him and did the spoon in mouth more. He crossed his legs asking to drop the spoon. Walked to him and asked if his friend down isn't hurting too much. He nodded and said that is why he wants the spoon away. Kneeled and poked his boner and told him to take care himself. Were gonna leave when he hugged you from behind and kissed your neck.

Kuma Teruo:

both were in sofa. Eating ice cream. He was so handsome so got idea. Took the cream and did on tongue before eating it. he stared before saying with a stutter ther eis cream on your nose. Took it with finger and sucked finger. He got your idea so pulled you on his lap. He kissed your collar bone and you smirked in success.

Minami Youichi:

Both thirtsy people. He was sleeping so got idea. Went over him. His eyes were shut. His lips were a bit parted with soft snores. Stared before doing fingers on his stomach. Traced them up and down before kissing his stomach. Hand massaging his buldge before feeling it go harder. He woke up slowly and asked what your doing before he saw our smirk. He flipped you two and said he is the dominant one in these sitautions.

Yamaguchi Kumiko:

were getting horny so stared at Kumiko. Ran hand through hair but were thinking too dirty to see her also staring. Were both at a bar so can't fuck her here. Drank the wine. Licked the edge making her also turned on. Took her hand and said your borrwing her to the two teachers. Pushed her against the toilet stall walls. She said it's embarrassing to do hereso said you want her right now. You can think of the rest.

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