How they act when their jealous

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Sawada Shin:

He would just glare and mostly that makes them leave but if that doesn't work he will take your waist and walk away with you. He doesn't get jealous quick though because he trusts you.

Uchiyama Haruhiko:

He either will want to start a fight or he will just pull you away saying how he hates that person. Ge gets quick jealous if he doesn't know that person.

Noda Takeshi:

He will just first try getting to find out if it's your friend or not. If it's your friend he will just brag about you being his and it's a stranger he will kiss your cheek.

Kuma Teruo:

He will shout at the dude and that mostly scares them off. Or he will just feed you to show them your his.

Minami Youichi:

He will just kiss you and if the person stays he will just begin a make out session. You can't lie, you love it.

Yamaguchi Kumiko:

She get's suspious fast. Not jealous just suspious. She will just come inbetween tot alk and when she does get jealous she will try getting your attenion so you won't be looking at that person all the time.

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