When you touch his butt

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Sawada Shin:

He was doing his shoes on but since he was bowed over, his ass was more in view. You bited lip before doing shoes on fast. Maked sure door is unlocked. Slapped his butt and said your leaving first; left and he yelled he will punish you when you get back.

Uchiyama Haruhiko:

You watched as he bought some food for later. He was walking to car with two bags. Slapped his butt saying he will be a great husband. Smirked when he was behind because his hands are full and in public so he can't do anything.

Noda Takeshi:

He was fixing a light because it broke. He was on a chair so his butt was eye view. You stared thinking it looked soft. Slowly slapped it and he dropped the light. He turned asking with a stutter why you did that. Shrugged saying his ass looked soft. Left to kitchen leaving behind a blushing Noda.

Kuma Teruo:

you were finished cooking. Went to living room and said foods finished. Kuma said to wait. He was finishing his drink while watching the window. You said food will get cold. He said his drink is almost finished. Went to him befor elsapping his butt and took the drink. He spitte dou this drink against het glass making you groan and gave a tissue telling him to celan ebfore coming to kitchen.

Minami Youichi:

You were wondering why he always slapped your butt so when he wasn't focusing went behind him. Slapped his butt and said you understand now. He yelled asking what your doing. Said his butt is soft. He said he can only slap your butt, not you his. Blushed when he patted your butt.

Yamaguchi Kumiko:

Were in a club with coworkers. Bought drinks and came back to see the teacher flirting with Yamaguchi. Pushed the plate in his hands. Did hand on Yamaguchi's ass saying, 'Mine' and sat down with her on your lap.

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