A/N Should I?

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Hey guys! It's Britt!

Okay, so, you guys seemed to like the last one-shot that I posted. "H20Vanoss: Bet"

I'm so glad that you guys liked it. Also, I think someone said something about them wanting me to write a part two but with Tyler and Craig.

I would love to!

However, that would most likely involve me writing smut......

I'm not really good at write smut....

But.....I read a lot of smut, so I could see if I could do it....?

If you guys want me to try and write a smut, make sure to leave a Vote and Comment!

Also, make sure if you like any of our other one-shots to go back and leave a Vote there as well!!

Anyways, let me know what you guys think and want! ^-^

Love you guys! BYE!!!!


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