BrOhm~ Special Plans ;)

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Hey guys Danita here. I know it's been awhile since Brittany and I have updated a chapter in the book. We've both been very busy with school, leaving us with little time to get on Wattpad and update chapters, but hopefully soon we can start updating more. Anyways here a chapter that I've written up for you guys. Its a pretty long one-shot and I hope you guys like and enjoy. Also don't forget to comment and vote for our chapters ^.^

Ohm's POV

"Morning Bryceypoo", I roll over and plant kisses Bryce's forehead. Bryce stirs a little but, but continues to stay asleep. " "Bryceypoo it's time to wake up", I said sweetly. "Can you not Ohm? I'm trying to sleep." Bryce says groggily. Ohn coos and says," Awe sorry Bryceypoo. You looked so peaceful sleeping, I just couldn't resist." I don't liked being watched while I'm sleeping Ohm. It makes me feel vulnerable". Ohm sighs, "OK fine I'll stop, but you need to get up babe, I have something special planned out for us today." Bryce sighs and says,"Ohm babe, please not right now, just give me 10 more minutes ok?" Bryce pleads. "Ok Bryce you leave me with no choice, but I have to do this". Do what?" Bryce asked. I started kissing him all over his face. He chuckled and said, "Ok ok stop Ohm I'll get up, but please stop," he laughed. "Yay!" Ohm shouts. Bryce groans and rolls out of bed. Why do I have to be so annoying?"

Ohm's POV
"Awe you know you love me babe, I said. I'll make it up to ya," I winked. Bryce raised an eyebrow and looks over at me with a puzzled look on his face. "In what way?" He asked. I smirked at Bryce and I hovered over top of him. I looked into his eyes and saw how vulnerable he looked under me. I tried to fight every urge to not strip him down and fuck him raw." You'll just have to wait and see my Bryceypoo," I whispered in his ear. A small blush crept on his cheeks. " I- uh", Bryce stammered. "You know your adorable when you stutter right?" I said huskily while I nibbled on his earlobe a moan escaped his lips. I love his sweet sexy moans. "If you don't stop moaning like that, we're never going to see the surprise," I whispered. He was blushing madly now. and picked up Bryce bridle style and said,"Come on let's go downstairs and have some breakfast shall we?" I said. "Sounds Great Ohmie", Bryce said sweetly.

Time skip~ Brought to Carfax
Carfax ^.^
Ohm's POV

"Oh my God Babe what's taking you so long to get ready". I groaned. " Geez Ohm I'll be done in a few minutes ok?" He said. I sat on the couch and continued to wait for Bryce to get done upstairs. I feels like I've been sitting here for hours and I'm starting to get impatient.

Bryce's POV~
I need to find the perfect outfit for our day together. So i donned a black blazer, a striped shirt, ripped jeans, and a white pair of converse. I took one last look in mirror, before heading downstairs. 'Ohms gonna like this outfit' I said to myself.
(Here's a pic of Bryce's Outfit)
Ohm's POV~
My breath hitched as I watched Bryce walk down the stairs. " Oh my Chuck Babe you look amazing!", I said.
Bryce blushed and said, "Thanks Ohmie you don't look do bad yourself," He winked. Now it was my turn to blush." So are you finally ready to go, Bryce?", I asked. "Yeah I'm ready if you are Ohmie,"Bryce said happily. A few minutes later we exited out the house and to car. As soon as Bryce got in, I went over to the passenger side and blindfolded him. "Ohm is this really necessary?" He groaned. I turned to him and smiled," Yes Brycepoo, it necessary, because I don't want you to see what the surprise is"."Fuck You Ohm",he spat. "I know you would", I smirked. His cheeks turned a dark shade of red and I busted out laughing. He playfully smacked my arm and said,"Ohm why did you take it that way,"he groaned. "Hey you're the one that said it not me and how else was I supposed to take it," I chuckled.
Bryce shook his head in disgust  as I continued to laugh." Was it really that funny Ohm?"he said annoyed. "Yes, yes it was Bryce, because never have I ever heard you cuss, it seems like my ways are rubbing off on you,"I wiggled my eyebrows. "Your so immature Ohm".  "Hahaha I know Bryce, but you know you love me," I turned to him and smirked. He looked back at me with a playful disgusted face and laughed. I placed my hand over me chest with a fake hurt expression on my face. The rest of the drive consisted of Bryce bugging the shit out of me as I was driving.

Time skip~ Brought to you by.......

After a few hours of driving, I made it to destination. I found a place to park and got out the picnic basket and blanket. I went over to Bryce and helped him out the car."Ohm can I take this off now?," Not yet Brycepoo we're almost to the spot. As soon as we reached it, I set down the items and went back over to Bryce and took the Blindfold off.
Bryce's POV
After 30 minutes of having the blindfold on, Ohm finally took it off of me and said,"Surprise Brycepoo". My heart skipped a beat. It was the most beautiful place that I've even seen. "Oh my God Ohm, this is beautiful!!", i exclaimed The view was absolutely stunning. Ohm chuckled softly," I figured you would like Brycey. I just wanted to make sure that it was perfect." I turned to him and said," Well it I'd Ohmie and I really appreciate it, it's truly beautiful". "Not as beautiful as you my sweet", he replied. I blushed. "Aw come here Ohmie". I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a deep lingering kiss. Let's just say that things got a little heated afterwards ;)

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