December 22,2003

30 1 0

It was two days before Christmas. It was Jesse's third Christmas. And this year was my 15th, also my last. This year was Judy's sixth Christmas.

Romeo knocked on the door, looking for me. My mom answered, cuts all over her arm from being depressed that her oldest baby girl had recently died without her saying goodbye. Jesse didn't know that I was dead because he was too young to understand. Judy didn't know that I died yet. Once mom told Romeo, he started crying and teleported back home. As mom closed the door, she cuts herself for the 6th time today. Then she called dad and he ended up in tears... also. Then got depressed from hearing that his baby girl died in pain.

Severe pain

Throwing up every five to ten minutes and passing out almost every 3 to 4 hours. None of my friends knew. Except my true love...


Hopefully he doesn't tell my other friends such as Fred, Maddie, Lex, and Binta. I had more but the list would go on and on and on. I couldn't go to school for two to three months due to my sickness. Hopefully I respawn before Christmas...

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