January 3,2002

39 1 0

I was tired. Very tired. It was only 8 in the morning and we were getting dressed to head home. I was brushing my hair and Judy was having mom put her hair up. Jesse on the other hand, was sleeping in the middle of the bed. He shared with me as Judy shared with mom. Dad decided to come help put things in the car.


When dad arrived, him and mom put things in the car while I picked up Jesse, who was still sleeping, and put him in the baby carrier. When I finished doing that, I put him in the car, and got in on the other side and sat next to Jesse.

We were half way home and Jesse was still sleeping. It was only 9 and we should we home at 9:30 or 10. It was only Jesse, mom, and I in the car at the time and it was quiet. Judy was in dad's car. But mom ruined the silence by the radio. She turned it on and music blasted out of the speakers. Mom turned it off instantly but Jesse woke up crying because he had a good sleep. After a while of hearing Jesse crying, I tried calming him down. I tickled his foot again and started to laugh and scream. Mom smiles at Jesse and I, knowing that I loved him.


We were home now and I brought Jesse inside. I took Jesse to his room and set the carrier on a little table. I picked Jesse up and sat in a rocking chair and I held him in my arms, watching him sleep. Mom was in bed after a two hour drive and dad went back to work. Judy was in her room group calling on Skype. But Jesse was sleeping in my arms. He was an adorable five month old, sleeping in my arms for the second time. The first time I held him as he slept when he came home for the first time. I was acting like I was the mother of Jesse. Whenever mom was out for her job, and when dad was wherever, I took Jesse like he was my child. And when he cried, I fed him or calmed him down. That's how easy it is to take care of a five month old.

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