November 13

24 1 3

I was home with Jesse. Mom and Judy were at dad's. Mom and dad were friends but no longer more than friends. I think anyways. Luckily my admin powers haven't acted up.

Jesse was holding his sippy cup as he stood in the hallway staring at me, wanting more apple juice.

Jesse: Sissy?

Me: Yeah baby?

Jesse: More juice pwease.

Me: Not until you say please right.


Me: No it's please. With an L.

Finally Jesse said it correctly. After fifteen tries.

Jesse: Please Sissy?

Me: No.



Jesse suddenly bursts into tears. I grabbed the cup from his hands, making him start screaming. As I put the cup on the counter, Jesse bit me, making me grab his shirt and put him on the couch. Jesse got down and I looked over from washing his sippy cup.


It was 6 and Judy and mom were still over at dad's. I walked into the kitchen and saw a huge mess. It was Jesse's mess. A cabinet was open, water everywhere. I looked at the floor and I saw Jesse sitting there eating peanut butter. Peanut butter was all over Jesse's shirt, face, and hands. And I screamed at him for making a mess.


Jesse: Nu!


Jesse threw the Peanut butter container at me and I kicked him. Then I cleaned him up and changed his shirt. When I was finished with him, I put him in his room, putting the gate up so he can't come out and bother me then cleaned everything up.

It was a few minutes after I sat down and Jesse started crying. I didn't want to get up but I was sure he was hungry. So I went to his room and picked him up. Then I set him on the floor in the living room. As he crawled over to the fireplace, I told him not to go near that. Jesse nods and crawled over back to me. He sat next to me and I stroked his cheek.


After a while of stroking Jesse's cheek, he finally fell asleep. I didn't bother putting him back in his crib so I just laid down and closed my eyes.


Hours past and Judy and mom were home. Jesse was cuddling with me and were both sleeping. Well Jesse was quietly snoring but it was adorable.


It was 10:30 at night and both Jesse and I were up. Although Jesse was still tired which I could understand. Mom picked up Jesse and we talked for a little bit.

Me: Mom?

Mom: Yeah?

Me: Are you and dad still friends

Mom: Of course. If we weren't, I wouldn't have his number still

Me: Oh... ok..

Mom: Say goodnight to your brother and head to bed.

I got up and kissed him. Suddenly he pulled my hair, wanting another kiss. I kissed him again.

Jesse: Night night sissy.

Me: Night baby. Say please.

Jesse: Pwease.

Me: No..

Mom walked into her room and put his pajamas on then hers. Since Jesse never liked being in his crib, we decided to have him take naps in his room then sleep in mom's room at night. It was better that way and Jesse was in a better attitude. If he wasn't so god damn picky about where he sleeps, we wouldn't have this issue with Jesse crying over stupid cribs and all that crap. But whatever.. he's a baby. What can I do about it. I'm sure he'll have kids of his own one day and will have to be just as annoyed with them as we are to him.

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