Semptember 10,2003

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It was the day before 9/11 and Jesse was being a brat. I was in my room playing music and all that. Jesse was two years old and I was 13. Romeo was 14 and so was Fred. Wait. He was 16. I think. No. Ignore I said that. He was also 14. Idk what I was thinking. Jesse walked in with his sippy cup. I set him on my bed and he screamed. He could talk but it was hard to understand. Instead of saying Xara, he'd say Xa. And instead of Judy, he's say Ju or sissy. Jesse was only learning and I couldn't blame him for trying. He used to be my baby but now he's an annoying, bratty two year old. As Jesse climbed off of my bed, he stood in front of me. I kicked Jesse and he fell backwards. He started crying and I screamed at him.

Jesse: Mommy!!! Sissy hurt me!!


Jesse: MOMMY!!

Me: SHUT UP!!!

Mom came in and grabbed Jesse then told me to get along with him. She stares at me and Jesse cried harder, making his face red. I didn't feel bad for him and I didn't want to do anything wanted to do. Mom walked out and I kicked him, screaming to get out.


It was dinner and Jesse was sitting in his high chair. I sat on the other side of the table, trying to be away from Jesse. Judy and mom sat next to Jesse. Mom fed Jesse and Judy stared at him while she ate. I stared at Judy and screamed at her for staring at Jesse. All of the sudden, things went silent. Everyone stared at me. But the worst thing was that we weren't home. We were at a restaurant. Waiters stopped doing their jobs and stared at me. Mom gave me the death stare and a waiter grabbed me. He kicked me out. It was cold. Really cold. the car door wasn't unlocked so I couldn't get in the car.

We were home. I was grounded. My mom took all electronics away. My phone. My Tv. And my computer. Jesse was always bothering me ever since. Mom told him to leave him alone. It worked but for only 5 minutes. I was bored

                           Very bored.

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