31. Whoops! (Jetra)

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[No POV]

It's been a real long day for the pair of them, final exams were underway and they've been at it all night revising and revising; lucky for them they are both taking the exact same exams so they can reinforce each other where they struggle. It's not only boosted their confidence, but it's also brought them together. You could say it was love at first sight when Jesse first laid eyes on Petra, you could also argue it was chance that the girl he ended up falling in love with ended up being both his roommate AND fellow classmate. But through all this time, he's been hiding his feelings, worried that she may not feel the same way and reject him. Between you and me, the poor old sod would be shocked to hear that she has also been harbouring her feelings for him for the exact same reasons, and he'd probably kick himself mentally, or physically.

"Jesse? You don't mind if I have the edge side tonight?" asked Petra, sitting on the bed. She watched her roommate Jesse come out of the kitchen with a mug of cocoa, and tried not to grin at his blue pyjamas with pig motifs all over it.

Jesse let loose a loud yawn before replying with a drowsy voice, "Sure... whatever you want..." while rubbing his tired eyes. "No more... no more multivariable calculus or Fourier transforms tonight..." he added with a tipsy tone.

Petra giggled as she laid down and wrapped a blanket around her, "Agreed. We should get some rest, long exams tomorrow."

"Couldn't agree more," Jesse replied with slightly more energy and sipping from his mug. "Good night Petra, I'll go after I finish this."

"Okay, good night hands- Jesse," Petra responded, quickly hiding her blush and going to sleep. Jesse raised an eyebrow, but shrugged it off and went over to sit by a table to drink his cocoa.

As Jesse sat there enjoying his beverage, he couldn't help but just sit there and stare at the red-haired girl sleeping peacefully on the bed, and he couldn't ignore how beautiful and innocent she looked. While she turns out tough on the outside, people like Jesse can see through those layers and find that she is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet, one of the most caring, and one should never have to look far to see just how attractive she is. A real eye-catcher and head-turner. Jesse lost himself in her blinding beauty so much that he nearly dropped his mug on the floor if he hadn't realised he was pushing it across the table with his elbow.

"I know you can't hear me Petra, and you probably never will hear this from me, but I love you. I'm IN love with YOU. You and only you. I can never think of a future without you... I'm glad fate brought us together, and someday I hope that..." Jesse faltered for a second during his quiet speech. Regaining his breath, he finished off with, "that we can be more than just... peers or roommates..."

Sipping up the last of his cocoa and washing his mug in the sink, he brushed his teeth and prepared to go to bed. The only problem he faced between where he stands and a good night's sleep on a nice warm bed, is none other than the girl fast asleep on said nice warm bed. Petra was in the way of the side closer to the wall, meaning Jesse was going to have to climb over her to get to his spot, or he would've had to have gone to bed before her.

He had to be careful here or else he risked waking her up from her sleep, which he certainly didn't want to do, not because he feared her, but because he just didn't want to distract her.

"Okay... just stay quiet... this should be easy..." muttered Jesse to himself, leaning against the bedside.

Slowly and steadily, he lifted his leg and placed his foot as far from him as possible when making an arch shape with his leg above Petra. Then placing his hands down to support him, he prepared to lift his other leg up over her.

Minecraft Story Mode: One-Shots (Jetra/Lukesse Edition)Where stories live. Discover now