6. Can't Sleep (Jetra)

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Sequel to Unconditional Hospitality



I have awoken from yet another torturous nightmare; I have returned from insomnia's playhouse of terror and gloom. But rather than grunt it off and try and go back to sleep, I sat there and stared at the whirring fan which blessed the blistering bedroom with cool air. I ran my fingers through my frazzled hair and groaned.

Why couldn't I just sleep properly nowadays? I recovered from my terrifying Wither Syndrome at least three months ago and yet somehow the mostly harmless symptoms such as nightmares and extreme depression were still hitting me on the head with a sledgehammer. Come on Petra, you still need your sleep. Force yourself to sleep if you have to, just don't take sleeping pills and you'll be fine.

You're likely wondering why I can't just take sleeping pills. And you know why? The last time I took one, I woke up in a freaking coffin! And you're probably wondering why I can't just sleep with Jesse. I'm a strong girl! I don't need company! If I needed help, I'd ask for it. I therefore don't need to sleep with him!

Petra? Are you okay in there? I heard screaming in there.

"Y-yes Jesse I'm f-fine!" I yelled through the closed door. The light outside switched on and through the gap, I could see Jesse's shadow.

You sound worried. Have you been having nightmares again?

"Nightmares? Don't be ridiculous, nothing silly like a nightmare can wake me up. I'm fine Jesse, seriously." The shadowy figure moved slightly, then Jesse replied

Okay then, if you need something, you know where I'll be.

I didn't want to appear like a weakling in front of Jesse, that's why I insisted nothing was wrong when in fact, I really needed his company right now. The lights shut off outside and Jesse retired to his room. Whew! Come on Petra, you can do this. You just need some sleep is all.

I buried my head in my pillow and tried to force my eyes closed for at least a minute. But to no avail... Why is something simple like sleeping so damn difficult! You're a tough girl Petra, you can do this!

But no, that didn't work, nothing I was trying worked. Why Petra why? What is wrong with you?!

I finally came to my senses. Quite clearly, I cannot sleep. I just can't. Not without Jesse. Not without his love and warmth. I slipped out of my room and silently snuck into Jesse's as if I was a stealthy ninja. Call me weird, but I sorta envy Jesse for being able to actually sleep properly.How can he sleep so well without any company?! A task I cannot even accomplish, that even toddlers can do.

Jesse suddenly woke up and looked up at me with tired eyes.

"Petra? What's wrong?" I stroked my arm and my eyes drifted off in different directions as I um'd quietly.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you Jesse but, is it okay if I can sleep with you for the night? I'm sorry, it's just really difficult to sleep nowadays and-" Jesse didn't need to answer, he grabbed the side of his duvet and flicked it upward. I gave him a nervous smile as I lay down beside him. He rolled over onto his side and gave me his characteristic smug grin.

"Th-th-thank you Jesse. I- I appreciate it." Jesse furrowed his eyebrows and lifted my chin up.

"Come on Petra, clearly something's bugging you. You need to tell me so I can help you." his voice was soft and nothing to be afraid of. I know that Jesse is really just trying to help me and do what's best for me, and I love him for his efforts. I gave out a long sigh and replied.

"I've been having nightmares okay? They've been stopping me from sleeping properly." Jesse bit his lip.

"How long have you been having them?"

"From since I recovered from Wither syndrome." I immediately saw a tinge of anger flash in Jesse's eyes as they flew wide open. Clearly, he wasn't very happy that I was always hiding things from him. And he just stands by, while I suffer.

"Again, why weren't you telling me? We talked about this, if you need help, you have to tell us."

"I know, it's just- I didn't want to look weak in front of you Jesse. It's embarrassing to-"

"No no no! You don't recognise it do you? Nobody's perfect. Everybody has their weaknesses. We should try and help each other. Let me help you. You shouldn't have to suffer in silence while we blindly get on with our lives." The brunette edged closer to me.

"I'm- sorry, Jesse." That was all I could say.

"Petra, do you seriously think you're weak in my eyes? No you're not. You're strong and unique, just like all of us. You're one of the strongest people I know. You're Petra, not a weakling. We all have weaknesses, but that's because we're humans, it's what makes us humans. I hope you understand that."

"J-Jesse... that- that really means a lot... you really don't think I'm weak?" I stammered, astonished by his speech. Jesse's bitten lip became a broad smile.

"Of course not. I'm human, just like you. I have fears too, weaknesses, faults, imperfections. And when I need help? I ask for it. Just because you want to show you're fearless doesn't stop you from asking for help. We all do nowadays." I honestly never knew that he cared so much... you've been foolish Petra all this time.

"I- I- never knew you cared this much." Jesse blushed, chuckled, and hugged me. His early entering my body soothed my senses and I honestly felt kinda numb.

"I love you Petra, why wouldn't I?" he said, stroking my cheek. "Now, how bout we get some sleep now? Tomorrow's another day."

"Yeah, that is exactly what I need right now. C- can you- hold me?" I shyly asked, tucking into bed beside him.

"Anything for you dear," I slowly move into his gentle embrace and feel his gentle breathing in my hair. Now I actually felt relaxed and happy and wanting to actually sleep.

"This actually feels better!" I exclaimed in surprise. Jesse chuckled and naughtily kissed my neck.

"Good night Petra. Love you..." he sighed.

"Never let go of me, ever, please."

"Never." he instantly responded.

"Love you too Jesse, good night..."

Does anyone know how to write a story in a freaking traffic jam?!

Minecraft Story Mode: One-Shots (Jetra/Lukesse Edition)Where stories live. Discover now