18. The Most Beautiful Sight In The World (Young Jetra)

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A/N Jesse and Petra are eight years old.

Pointless fact about me: Me and my brother were once lucky enough to get the front seats on a 'rollercoaster race' ride.

[No POV]

"Wa-hoo!! That was awesome!" Petra howled after what was seemingly the most intense rollercoaster ride she's ever been on. "That was awesome wasn't it Jesse?!"

"Uh- uh- iiiiiiiii-" Petra swiveled round on her heel to face the young brunette behind her, looking stiff as a robot, eyes twitching like he had just seen a ghost. Jesse was trembling, petrified, traumatised even. She couldn't blame the guy, he's never been on a massive rollercoaster before. If you ask her, shes amazed he managed to make it without puking or bursting into tears or clinging onto his mommy or daddy, and the four of them sat at the very front!

"Come on! Wasn't it just epic?! Did you have as much fun as I did?!" Petra cheered, shaking Jesse left and right. His parents walked up behind him and his mommy embraced him while his daddy just laughed.

"Poor little guy..." muttered Tom. "Glad you're here with him, he needed the extra support while we were going up the ramp."

"He's really cute you know? I like him!" They both turned to face Jesse cuddling his mommy Jessica, who was scowling at her husband. Petra went over to Jesse and offered him a hug, which he hesitantly accepted, fearing that she's only going to sweep him away and get him to go on another intense amusement park ride.

"It- it was very scary Petra! I don't want to do that again, please!" begged Jesse, weeping on Petra's shoulder. Petra took pity on him and until Jesse stopped crying, she held him in a warm embrace, gently patting his shoulder.

"Aw... it's okay Jesse... no more intense rides, I promise, okay? Please stop crying..." whispered Petra, ignoring the wet patch on her shirt sleeve. Jesse rubbed his nose and sniffled before letting go of Petra and pulling himself together.

"T-t-thank you..." murmured Jesse, feeling mortified that he just cried in front of Petra. "Okay, I'm ready, let's go." Petra smiled then snatched his hand and swept him away from Tom and Jessica, who then followed behind.

The fireworks display was just thirty minutes away. The two were incredibly excited about it and Petra was glad Jesse invited her to go with him on the event. Now they were looking around for another amusement park ride to go on which wasn't scary or terrifying. They still had plenty of time and lucky for Jesse, there were plenty of attractions he was more than happy to try out.

"Yay I got one!" cheered Jesse, managing to knock over one (yes, ONE) can at the tin can alley, while Petra knocked out five and won him a small cuddly toy for him.

"Wahoo!!!" yelled Petra, diving into the ball pit in the fun house (those giant labyrinth-like obstacle courses).

"Um, this way- ouch!" screamed Jesse, bumping his nose on a glass pane while trying to navigate through the hall of mirrors. "Maybe, this way?" Petra had managed to escape the hall ages ago, she's outside, watching Jesse bump into glass panes all around him. Eventually when Jesse managed to escape, his nose was bleeding and he was so dazed by seeing his reflection over and over again, he could've sworn he saw fifty Petras.

"Oh dear..." muttered Tom under his breath. "Honey, do you have any tissues on you right now?"

"Here," said Jessica, handing Jesse some Kleenex. He daubed the blood off his nose and dried the rest, then Petra swept him away yet again. "Wait! Ugh... that is one hyperactive individual."

"I think the candy floss she's been eating is to blame," Tom suggested, remembering the three empty bags in his pocket which used to contain cotton candy. "At least they're having fun, right?"

Minecraft Story Mode: One-Shots (Jetra/Lukesse Edition)Where stories live. Discover now