14. Stay With Me (Young Jetra)

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A/N Jesse and Petra are seven years old.

Embarrassing fact about me: I am scared of hypodermic needles.



I didn't see Petra at school all week, it got me very very worried. My teacher Miss Drummond said she didn't see her today, and I got even more worried.

"Mommy? Do you know where Petwa is? I haven't seen her all week," I worriedly asked Mommy as I wiped spaghetti sauce off my cheek. Mommy put her fork down, then patted my shoulder.

"Sweetheart, why are you so worried about Petra? You've been asking me the exact same question every day for the past week!" laughed Mommy, which annoyed me a bit. I started to blush, Mommy was getting very suspicious of me and Petra.

If you don't know yet, I think Petra is a really nice and pretty girl. I met her a month ago and I quickly thought she was adorable. We're good friends now, but Mommy says I've been developing something called a crush on Petra. I still don't know what that word means, but Mommy kept making fun of me and it was getting very annoying now.

"Jesse? Sweetie? Wake up sleepyhead." Mommy planted a kiss on my head then ruffled my hair, then went into the living room where Daddy was watching TV. I finished eating my dinner, then went to watch TV with him. Daddy is a really cool guy, he always lets me watch TV with him every night before bedtime.

About one hour later, I brushed my teeth, put my pyjamas on, then got into my bed. Mommy tucked me in and kissed me again, but before she left, I called her.

"Mommy?" She turned awound and smiled at me.

"What is it darling?"

"I miss Petra," I said. Mommy chuckled then walked over to me, ruffling my hair again.

"You like Petra, don't you baby?" I suddenly started to blush. I do like Petra, but I get very shy about it and I hate being teased about it. Mommy tickled my chin and laughed quietly. "You do like Petra, don't you?"

"Um- Um- Mommy..." I didn't want to say anything else.

"It's okay sweetie, I won't tell anyone." I stared at Mommy with worried eyes, then held my pinky out to her.

"Pinky promise?" Mommy giggled, then put her pinky finger around mine, saying

"Okay, I pinky promise I won't tell anyone." I smiled at Mommy, knowing I can trust her with my deepest secrets, so without saying any words, I nodded yes, and Mommy started to grin at me.

"Aw that's so sweet!" squealed Mommy, making me laugh as well. "I knew you liked her, I just wanted to hear you admit it. Ah... my little baby boy finding love..."

"M-Mommy you're making me very uncomfortable!" I muttered, hiding my blushing face in my pillow.

"Tell you what: how's about we pay her a visit tomorrow? You eat your breakfast tomorrow, then you take a shower, then we'll go and visit Petra to are how she's doing. You'll like that?"

"Really?" I asked, hoping Mommy really meant it.

"Of course darling, you're obviously into Petra and I don't want to keep you two away from each other. What do you say?" I jumped out and hugged Mommy very tightly.

"Yes thank you Mommy! Thank you! I love you!" Mommy put me back down on the bed and kissed me again.

"I love you too, my little baby." Mommy walked out the room and whispered "Sweet Dreams" before closing the door. I then went to sleep, excited hat we're going to visit Petra tomorrow. Yay!

Minecraft Story Mode: One-Shots (Jetra/Lukesse Edition)Where stories live. Discover now