28. I Can't Lose You (Jetra)

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A/N To you non-Minecrafters, if a creeper is struck by lightning, it will become charged and the explosion will be much larger and more powerful. (Figured I'd add this anyway, not every fan plays Minecraft).

A/N Petra wears her old armor (excluding the helmet) here.


Eight months since Above and Beyond.

"This one's mine!" Petra cried, drawing her Enchanted Golden Sword and charging directly at a creeper lurking in the night... during a horrendous thunderstorm! Petra and I were out adventuring, we were meant to be headed back home but the thunder and the rain meant that we were forced to hole up in a cave and wait until morning. Thankfully the cave's opening position meant it wouldn't flood and we were safe from monsters, and now Petra was bursting out and putting herself in very big danger.

"No Petra no!" I yelled, trying to grab her leg, only for her to be yelling out as she lashes out at a creeper which was intruding our shelter. As soon as she passed that curtain of rain, I couldn't help her anymore, mostly because my leg was bitten by a zombie (no worries, it isn't lethal) and would only be compromising my safety.

"Eeyah! Come get some!" cried Petra, preparing to lunge at the creeper. I saw up in the dark cloudy sky, that lightning was preparing to strike, AND IT WAS DIRECTLY ABOVE THEM!!!

Creeper + Lightning => Charged Creeper!

"No! Petra! Stop! Run!!!!"

But I was too late... and then I heard that silent but deadly hiss just as the sizzle of lightning sounded, striking both the creeper and Petra. The creeper immediately exploded in a cataclysmic explosion, sending Petra flying backwards so she lay lifeless on the floor, while everything within a six feet radius was obliterated. Smoke particles were being emitted from her charred body as I forced myself onto my bitten leg and limped out of the cave, putting myself in enormous danger so I can drag her partly singed corpse to safety.

"No, no no no! Please! Don't be dead! You can't die on me now Petra, please!" I uttered in desperation, shaking Petra and trying to wake her up. I removed her helmet and pressed two fingers against her neck, hoping for the slightest sign of life. And when I felt the soft pulsing of her heart, all worry and anxiety suddenly vanished from my body like I was having a demon cast out of me.

I took my armor of then took the rest of Petra's armor off because she would freeze to death if she kept them on; luckily her normal clothes were dry enough so she wouldn't suffer from hypothermia.

"Thank heavens you're alive... I thought I lost you just now..." I muttered to myself as I leaned my tired back against the cave wall. I inspected my bitten leg and cringed at how grotesquely rotten it looked. Thank god I remembered to bring potions with me...

I grabbed a potion of healing from my bag and gulped half of the contents. As if it was completely magical (which it was), all the burning pain was gone in an instant, and I melted onto the cold cave floor. I clutched my chest and let out a loooong sigh as the relief kicked in. The potion tasted so good that I wanted to drink the rest of it, but I know Petra should have the rest when she wakes up.

After a long hour of listening to the pitter-patter of raindrops on the cave opening and making visible puffs with my breath, fatigue finally kicked in and I had to lie down beside Petra. My hands gripped my head and I moaned loudly for an irritating headache kicked in. The cave floor was cold, hard, and extremely uncomfortable, but at least dry and can be slept on. I turned to my side and faced the knocked-put redhead, I was near enough so I felt her breathing healthily. My hand reached out to gently stroke her forehead and move her flaming red hair so I can plant a very gentle kiss on her forehead. I love Petra very much, I hope she didn't notice that... oh crap she just did!

Minecraft Story Mode: One-Shots (Jetra/Lukesse Edition)Where stories live. Discover now