Chapter Twenty

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"Hey, you want me to take you to Sweetpea's first?"

"You ruined your moment but sure" I laugh.

"Let's go"


"Thank you for taking me here, I'm sure you and Cheryl will have so much fun!"

"I hope so" Toni nervously giggles.

"I know so"

"I love you, S"

"I love you too. Now, I want you to go out, have fun. No matter what happens she'll love you and you'll have the best time, I promise. Be you  and be chill" I smile and we hug.

"I'll try"


"So Toni found herself a girlfriend?"

"That's right, Well, hopefully. They're going on a date today so I hope it'll go well"

"Weird, I always thought she'd end up with Jughead but as long she's happy" Sweetpea shrugs.

"I think she is"

"So, Who's she going on a date with?"

"I'm not sure if I'm aloud to tell you"

"What do you mean your not sure?"

"Well we talked, obviously but I'm not sure if I'm meant to tell you. I'll leave it to her"

"Or I could message her right now"

"No! Don't message her let her have fun on her date and enjoy herself" I give him my puppy dog eyes.

"Fine" he rolls his eyes and smirks.

"Good" I kiss him.

"You always kiss me, I guess you just can't stay away"

Oh his cockiness will kill him. 

"Really? I think it's the other way around" he pulls my chin up to him.

"Well that isn't true. Your just drawn to me, you always come to me"

"I don't think so. Your always the one to come for me. You can't live without me, can you Sweetpea?"

"Never" again, he kisses me.


"Cheryl?" I look at a teary Cheryl at the door.

"What's wrong? What happened?" She doesn't reply she just hugs me.

"Come on" I take her in and I see Sweetpea. He gives me a confused look.

"Sophia it was horrible!"

"Was it something with Toni?"

"No! She wasn't a problem she was... amazing" a smile lights her up a bit making me smile.

"Then what?"

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