1.2K 20 9

Couple of years later .

Principal : last but not least congratulations to Macey Paul .

The hall of parents and friends cheered Logan , Brandon, Lydia , Mark , George, frank , Evan , Aj , Jake , Tessa , Erika , and so many more cheered and clapped as Macey went to get her diploma.

Macey is was now with Logan , he drove the car to a fat place he stopped the car , And Macey got down with him and he held her hand .

They walked a bit and they found a road separated in two . One was the short path and one was the long path .

" it's now when your future starts two paths difficult to choose but it's part of growing up I brought you here for a reason every road holds something for you , you can't choose one without going thru one , I came here when my future started I can't tell you which one I took , but even if you choose the wrong one now you will get to the right one , now it's your choice "

it's here the end of this story. Thank you to every single one of you , thank you for supporting and reading this story I felt like giving this story up but I couldn't the ending is something my brother told me . This story has gotten so big and I didn't even think it would get 59 k readers but it got . Now thank you for voting and adding this to your library it means the world to me . But it's time to write my other fanfic . This story plays a big part of me honestly without my confidence , without my friends , without my readers and sweet comments I would not be here . August 11 is special day it is when I started this story . You don't know how happy I am this story is growing super duper fast . I wake up and I find +1,000 reads I want to thank everyone of you . Every story started small this went from 1 reader to 59k . Thank you for listening to me and my sad days . Thank you for texting me on Instagram and telling me you love this story thank you for telling me I am an inspiration to you , but you are my inspiration guys . But beautiful things come to an end .

I love you all , thank you .

- Grace


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