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Macey finally had the courage to say what she wanted to say .
" so i know you might not expect this from a 14 year old but I think it is time to say this , we all here probably went thru a hard time , dad went thru a hard time jake did and you guys did , i know our chemistry is not that stable but for a matter of fact time fixes anything so i am sorry for everything i did ."

Logan planted a kiss on maceys head while greg said how wise she was for her age . Jake asked macey what she planned for her future and she responded back saying she would love to be a forensic scientist .

Food came and they all started eating after that dessert had to be served. Macey decided to eat a piece of cheesecake. Logan shared some of his dessert with macey . Then they had to go home .

4:30 pm

They got home and they started unpacking some stuff , minutes later macey got a notification.


Macey wondered if it was one of aj's typical jokes . She stared into the big astronaut painting that they had and got lost on how detailed it was .

« ummmmm dad i wanted to ask umm can i go to the park with aj like you don't t have to agree at all i can simply say no he wont get sad or anything so like you can always diss agree. » Macey wanted to show Logan that not going with AJ was not a big deal at all .

Logan looked at her with a serious face and raised both his eyebrows. He sat down on a chair a put his hand on his chin as if he was thinking of something very important.

« AJ hmm a guy ? You did not introduce me to him before , is there something between y- »

«WHATNOOFCOURSENHEISJUSIENDFROMSCHOOLLIKENOTHINGELSEDDONTWORRYIWILLCANCEL » macey said that only in one breath and with no stops , logan started laughing then she got that he was joking with her .

« you can go but your curfew is 9:00 pm i have something for you later »
Macey couldn't believe her ears he did agree !!!
« aww thank you so much ama go change deuces » she said as she sprinted t her room . Logan just couldn't not laugh about it .

Macey got to her room and it was kinda cold outside since the sun started to set . She put on her black flash hoodie and then she went down kissed logan and sprinted to the park . She got there in ten minutes breathless .

She got there and saw AJ with his guitar she decided to sneak up on him . She steadily steadily snuck up on him and jumped on his back while holding him carefully. She put her head in the ( crock i think its called like the one between ur neck an shoulder nmv u get it moving on ) of his neck .
Macey expected a reply from AJ but she knew he was sad about something.

« Aj ? Whats wrong c'mon talk to me aj please » she said still in his arms . And still no reply from aj . « yahh this is not fair you are my only friend and this is how you treat me , you cant do this you know » she said stubbornly . She got of him and turned around to see him staring and the sky , macey gasped when she saw she had a bruise on his cheek .

« aj , oh my what is this what have you been doing!! fighting ?? cant you see this huge bruise on your face . » she argued .
« look aj i came here to see you since i missed you alot but you dont even want to talk to me so i am gonna leave » she started taking very small steps knowing he will eventually speak .

« you could at least have told me he called you a bitch a slut or that he pushed you in the locker at school and where the heck have you been , no calls , no text , not even coming to school , this is fucking messed up macey . » he said not even looking at her with a high voice .

« oh you know whats fucked up that i was in a coma for 2 weeks my heart stopped for 20 seconds , i was assaulted , i fought with my dad , i was in severe depression and no one gave a shit , i did not have one friend there for me , I forgot how to read the first two days , and i s - s - til asked about you , thats fucked up isnt it ? » she asked trying to fight her tears .

She stood there looking at aj that had a guilty expression , he got hold of her and hugged her very tightly . He patted her back knowing she silently sobbed. He stood there hoping he would go back at least 10 mins so he can run to her and hug her . But yet again he messed up .

All he wanted to do is apologize over and over but her hugs were so warm that he decided to keep it that way . He put his chin on her head and gave her a quick kiss . They parted from each other and he wiped her tears away with his hoodie . He looked at her and definitely smiled. She smiled back .

« you know i am sorry i was not there for you , and i am sorry i said all that before i listened to you , but I honestly needed your warm hug » he said that as he put his arm over her shoulder.

« aj its not even a big deal honestly, lets say all this slipped from your mouth , so I forgive you for that »
« i knew you would you always loved me ! » he said while he ruffled her perfectly strained hair . They walked around and all the lights got turned on and things got silent. Macey started feeling scared and worried.

« aj lets go back its kinda creepy here , plus i am scared . Can you please take me back ? »
Her voice trembled showing aj that she was scared .
« oh lil mace is scared , poor babygirl , i am just joking let me take you back , aren't you cold macey ? He asked at the end .
« freezing actually » she responded
Aj didn't have his jacket with him but he always had his hands so he decided go give her a side hug while he buried her in his warm hoodie .

They walked to her house and then the stopped beside it . Macey turned to Aj examining his perfect features and he did the same . She gave him another hug then she squished his face gently making sure not to hurt him .

« well i guess this is goodbye time , anyways thank you for this lovely day i sill see you tomorrow » she said
« bye mace take care » he said as he watched her disappear.


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