Day Five: Listening.

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A quiet murmur reached your ear, lips brushing against it. You stirred quietly from your sleep, curling into a ball and groaning. A hand brushed your face and you crinkled your nose, batting the hand away. You just wanted to sleep.

"Lieutenant..." A voice hummed in your ear.

You grumbled.
"Shut up. Let me sleep." A deep chuckle filled the room, and you felt yourself being lifted up. Your eyes snapped open, and you gripped Khan's shirt tightly, leaning towards him.

"Hey! Put me down!" You snapped, wrapping your arms around the criminal's neck as he held you bridal style. You had to resist punching the man in the face, as you had greatly wanted to sleep longer, with him. You wouldn't let him know that, of course. He was as arrogant as you were, and you couldn't fathom what he'd do if you told him you enjoyed cuddling.

"Lieutenant, I suggest you start heading to your room, as the Captain just informed the entire Enterprise he will be personally checking everyone's status on their job, whoever is up this early. You might want to clean up and get your uniform on."

You grumbled.
"I can't exactly do that while being held in midair, can I?" Khan smirked slightly and set you down, your body missing the contact. You straightened out your clothes and sighed. You furrowed your brow, glancing out of the glass prison.

"What time is it?"

"Four in the morning, Lieutenant."

You gasped, turning around to face the man.
"Four in the morning? Why in the hell is Kirk checking people's positions at this time? And why did you wake me up so early?

"So you can slip out of here unnoticed. No one is up this early except for the few people in engineering trying to fix the warp core, and of course the Captain. But, they are still at their positions. I don't presume you'll run into any of them."

"Alright. I'm going." You rolled your eyes, stepping outside the glass prison and swiping the hole down to a small size, placing it in the left bottom corner of the glass. You left the brig without saying a goodbye, dashing to your room to change. Maybe you-

"Oof!" You yelped, sent flying backwards. You rubbed your head, groaning.
"What the hell-?"

A Russian accent filled your ears. "Oh! I em so soory! Do you need halp up, meezus? I don' know vat came over me, I vas vunning through ze halls for no apparent reason, and-"

You smiled, standing up.
"Cool it. It's alright. I'm not hurt." You said, holding your hands out in front of you, and Chekov gave out a dramatic sigh of relief.

"For a moment zere I thought I had injured ze keptin's favorite person, and my friend. Now you are okay, correct?" He asked, his tone cautious.

You furrowed your brow.
"Wait, I'm the Captain's favorite person? That doesn't make any sense."

Chekov nodded quickly, rambling on.
"Well, yes. He talks abut you all ze time on ze bridge, I vondered if you two vere a couple, but zat didn't make any sense because he vas flirting vith ze woman named Carol. He must've been a very bad boyfriend if you two vere dating."
He blinked rapidly, stuttering.
"No, vat I mean is, ze Captain iz a vonderful person, iz just zat... He isn't vat I would call a very trustvorthy companion. He iz not one to have a good relationship. I presume ewen ze prisoner vould be a better boyfriend zan ze Keptin ever could be." He chuckled.

You smiled and nodded. How true Pavel was.
"I assume he would be as well. Well, I must be off to change clothes and resume my post."

Chekov smiled, nodding.
"Alvight, __y/n__. Vould you like me to take over ze post vhile you are gone? Engineering iz fine vithout me as long as I em not gone for over an hour." He chuckled.

You crinkled your nose, frowning.
"Hm. Maybe. Yea, sure. Go ahead. It'll be refreshing for you to be at a different post for a little while. I'll try to be fast, alright, Pavel?"

He nodded, smiling.
"I'll be at ze holding brig." He jogged in the direction you came from, and you smiled. Khan needed to talk with someone other than yourself, be in the prescence of someone other than yourself. Surely he would get bored with talking with you constantly, so he needed an acquaintance. He was completely isolated from everythinb except you and the occasional Ensign. You only hoped Khan wouldn't react harshly to Pavel, the poor boy wouldn't be able to bear it.

Pavel and yourself were in the academy together, and the pair of you were good friends. You had initially met during the academy when you noticed him and another girl, whose name you'd find out later was Irina, fighting in the halls. You stood watching, and as the girl left fuming, Chekov just stood there looking mortified. Turns out Irina and Chekov had broken up, and you turned to console the new Russian face. You ended up being close friends, and when encounters with Irina kept popping up, you would always make sure to back up Pavel in any way you could. He wasn't the best at keeping a poker face, and Irina seemed to be egged on by his facial expressions faltering. That's when you'd usually step in and slam a couple sarcastic comments around, reducing Irina to tears. Your words were your weapons, and you learned that from a young age from your mother, a while back when she wasn't as sick.

You got ready hurriedly, and ran down the the holding brig. Voices filled your ears.

"Ze Lieutenant iz a friend of mine. She haz been very kind to me."

"She has, has she? Is she kind to everyone?"

"Not particularly, she haz certain people who she likes and who she does not like, she either loves you or hates you. That's ze way she works, zat __y/n__. Alvays tryeeng to put zings in black and vhite. She doesn't like vhen things are in ze grey area. And she also doesn't like vhen people hurt her friends. Some people learn zat ze hard way around her."

A deep chuckled filled the holding brig as you stood in the hall adjacent, listening. You crinkled your nose, thinking. Were you really like that? You guessed you didn't like being certain, and you knew that someone would die if anyone hurt your friends, but were your feelings about people black or white? You shrugged. It didn't really matter right now. You wanted to listen.

"I understand what you mean. She has hit and screamed at me multiple times for hurting a friend of hers. She doesn't like it when I act rashly."

There was a pause.

"Remember, she only yells at ze people she likes. If she really hated you, you would have only been attacked. In some cases eet iz better zat vay, but eet iz also good to know vhat a girl like her zhinks of you."

"And what type of girl is she? I haven't exactly figured her out completely yet."

"She iz ze most amazing person you vill ever meet. On ze ozher hand, if she zhinks you are a threat to her friends or family, she iz your worst nightmare."


If only that had been comforting to hear.

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