Chapter 18

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Sophia's POV:

Having Niall with me again is the best feeling in the world. I missed cuddling with him and the soft, sweet scent of his Armani exchange. I nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck as he held me closer.

"You wouldn't believe how much I've missed you, and it's barely been a week. " Niall chuckled softly. "I honestly can't remember what it was like before I met you. I mean, when I saw you that first time at the mall, I honestly thought you were going to go mad. Just when you were so calm, I knew you were different."

I smiled and looked up at him. "Believe me, I was going crazy on the inside. But like I said that day, I wanted to respect your privacy." Niall gave me his gorgeous smile before leaning down and kissing me. I suddenly saw a light flash out of the corner of my eye.

"Shit. It's the paps. They must have followed me here." There was a paparazzi standing behind one of the big trees, snapping pictures of us on his huge camera.

"Come on." I took his hand before pulling him inside and up stairs into my apartment. In a matter of minutes, there were more paparazzi outside and fans were starting to show up too.

"Shit. Looks like I won't be getting back to New York for a little while." I chuckled at Niall's cursing. I find it so cute with his Irish accent when he curses.

"It's fine. Why don't you get in contact with the guys. I'll see with my mom if you can stay in my sister's room for tonight if you have to." Niall nodded as I pecked his cheek and walked to my mom's room.

Niall's POV:

Sophia kissed my cheek before walking out to ask her mum if I could stay over. I smiled before pulling out my phone.

"Hey, Zayn."

"Hey, Niall. So I'm guessing everything went well from the pictures of you and Sophia kissing." I could picture Zayn smirking on the other line.

"Damn, those paps work fast. But yea, everything went great and we are together again. Unfortunately, there are paps and fans everywhere outside her apartment so it looks like I'm gonna be stuck here for a while."

"Do you want me to send Paul over to get ya?"

"Nah. It's fine. I wanna spend some time with Sophia anyway. Just wanted to let you guys know what was happening. Bye Zayn." I smiled before hanging up as Sophia walked back into the room.

"My mom says it's fine. What do you want to do right now? I've got movies and food." I smiled wide at the thought of food. Sophia is probably the only girl I've ever met with an appetite. We walked over to the kitchen, my hand on the small of her back as she opened a door to reveal loads of snacks.

I stepped away from Sophia before grabbing two different bags of chips and a bag of popcorn. She chuckled before pulling out a few bowls as I put the popcorn bag into the microwave. Once the popcorn was done, we took the snacks into the living room and set everything down as she pulled out her movies.

"Niall, you might wanna see this." Sophia was standing by the window, smiling her beautiful smile. I got up and looked out the window, the fans went absolutely mad. There were hundreds of fans, probably thousands even, standing outside yelling.

"Cover your ears." She gave me a confused look but did as I said. I opened the window and the yelling got twenty times louder. "Hello everyone!" I yelled and they went mad. I laughed a bit as the paparazzi snapped pictures of me and Sophia came closer. "Hey Sophia, do you want to sing something?"

"Sure like what?" I thought for a moment before getting a mischievous idea. I leaned my head out the window.

"ANY REQUESTS?!" I yelled and I heard a million different songs being yelled. Best Song Ever stood out to me among all the different song titles.

You and I (A One Direction Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now