Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

Niall's POV:

We were now pulling up at our hotel, Sophia sleeping soundly at my side. Paul had spoken to her mum, explaining what had happened. She was worried at first, like any other mum, but she let us know what to do after she agreed it would be best if Sophia not have to make a long trip in her condition.

The boys piled out of the van, and I carefully picked Sophia up, carrying her out. It was about 2am, so we didn't have a problem with paparazzi or fans, especially not since we were using the back entrance. Zayn opened the door for me as I walked in, behind the others. We headed up to our room, and Paul had gone to his.

"Right, where is she going to sleep? We can't have her on the couch." Liam spoke as he locked the door behind him.

"Niall's room has the biggest bed. She should stay with him." Harry pointed out.

"As long as Niall promises not to do anything to the girl while she sleeps." Louis laughed, winking at me. That boy sometimes, I swear.

"I would never do that, Lou. " I stated as I walked towards my room. I could hear the guys whispering as I walked away. Thankfully, the door was open a crack so I just pushed it open wider. I walked over to the bed and gently laid Sophia down. I took her shoes off and put her bag on the bedside table, then pulled the covers over her before I walked over to the closet to get changed. I usually just sleep in boxers, but in this case, I put on some basketball shorts too. I walked over to the bed, and laid down next to Sophia. I looked at her peaceful face, her cheeks a bright pink, before drifting off into sleep.

-Next Day-

Sophia's POV:

My head was pounding as I felt a bright light trying to break through my eyelids. Slowly, my eyes fluttered open and I noticed I wasn't anywhere I recognized. I was on a soft, big white bed. It felt like I was on a cloud. And it smelled heavenly. Wait, where am I? I turned on my side and my eyes widened.

Why am I in the same bed as Niall Horan? I closed my eyes trying to remember what happened last night. After the concert Mia and I went to meet the boys. We hung out for a while, and at one point my head started spinning then black. I must have passed out. I opened my eyes to look at Niall again. I watched as his chest grew and shrank as he breathed steadily.

Even with bed head, his blonde hair was perfect. And he smelled heavenly. I studied his face. He looked so peaceful, and he looked like he was smiling. He must be having a good dream. His eyes fluttered open, and before I knew it, his piercing blue eyes were locked with my honey eyes. I started to blush, but I just kept staring into his mesmerizing eyes, not daring to look away. A warm smile grew on Niall's face.

"Morning." He smiled, getting up. His accent was like birds chirping in the morning. Beautiful. Wait, what am I saying??

"How are you feeling? We brought you back here last night after you passed out. And don't worry, we've talked to your mum and she knows your okay. You had me-ugh us worried last night." He spoke from across the room where he seemed to be looking for his phone. I couldn't help but stare at his gorgeous abs since he was just wearing basketball shorts. Niall looked up and noticed me staring. I started blushing hard and shot my eyes down to my hands.

"Better, but I have a killer headache. And you spoke to my mom?" I clutched my head as I sat up and tried to register everything he just said.

"Yea. Well, Paul did. She was worried but we told her you were in good hands and we would get you back home today." Niall grabbed what I think was an Advil and a water bottle, than came and sat by my side. "Here. A pain killer for your headache. And you can order something from room service for breakfast. Just make sure you order one of everything for me." He laughed, then winked handing me the water and painkiller which I quickly swallowed. I coughed a little since I still have trouble swallowing pills. Yea I'm 18 and I can't swallow painkillers. Sue me!

"Are you sure? I think I would eat you out of house and home if you gave me the power to order what I want from a menu." I asked as I reached for the phone.

Niall chuckled and looked at me. "A girl with an appetite, and isn't afraid to eat in front of others. I like." He winked before walking over to the closet and closing the door. I laughed.

"Psh. I'm pretty sure I'm one of the few girls on the planet with an appetite almost as big as yours is said to be." I heard Niall laughing fom behind the door and couldn't help but smile. He really did have cute laugh.

I quickly picked up the phone and dialed room service. For myself, I ordered a big serving of bacon, 2 sunny side up eggs, and a stack of chocolate chip pancakes all topped off with whipped cream a chocolate milk on the side. "Niall, what do you want from room service?" I yelled through the door.

"Pancakes with whip cream on top, a big Belgian waffle, bacon and lots of it, hash brown, sunny side up eggs, and a big glass of orange juice. Oh and don't forget fruit!" Dang. I always read about Niall having a big appetite, but I didn't think it was real! I repeated to the person on the other end what Niall told me and soon hung up.

I walked over to the couch and sat down, soon realizing I was still in my clothes from the concert last night. Wonderful. Niall burst through the closet door, completely changed. He was wearing a pair of dark wash jeans, some Jordan's, and a jack wills t shirt? Never heard of that brand before...

"The boys said they want to head to New York after everyone has breakfast. You feeling up for it?" Niall was asking me if I wanted to go to New York with One Direction. Of course I was feeling up for it!!

"Sure! Umm, one little problem though..." I looked down at my clothes and pointed to myself. "This is all I got."

Niall chuckled then popped in and out of the closet, tossing me a t-shirt. "I bought that one a few sizes too small by accident. As for your pants and shoes, no biggy, I'll just buy you new ones if you want." I smiled as I picked up the shirt.

I walked over to the bathroom and locked the door. I took off my top and put on the one Niall gave. What size is this?! It fits me perfectly, hugging my body in all the right places. How did Niall not see how small this was before he bought it?? I shook my head and walked over to the sink. I washed my face with cold water to wake me up. When I looked at my reflection, I noticed I looked awful. I scrubbed my face to get all my make up off and then looked at my hair. I took a hair tie off my wrist and tied my hair up into a ponytail, my curls cascading down the back of my neck.

I shrugged at my appearance. It was the best I could do, considering. I walked out of the bathroom and Niall smiled at me. "Perfect fit." I smiled as there was a knock at the door.

"Room service!" A man announced as he came, pushing a huge cart with food. All that stood out to me was the smell of bacon as Niall charged for the food.

You and I (A One Direction Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now