Chapter 16

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Sophia's POV

I woke up the next day, and I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face as I recalled everything that happened yesterday. The perfect Friday. It was absolutely wonderful, and it couldn't have gone any better. I got up from bed and stretched before grabbing my phone. As I walked into the kitchen to make my breakfast, I texted Niall.

Love you niall. I had an amazing time last night. It was absolutely perfect. <3 :*

After texting Niall, I decided to make myself an omelette. I must say, I make a pretty mean omelette. As I ate in the dining room, my mom came in and smiled at me before noticing the locket around my neck.

"Sophia. I need to talk to you." I smiled widely at her before swallowing my food.

"Sure mom. What about?" I looked at her expectantly. She had an unreadable expression on her face as she sighed. I felt my phone vibrate, but I chose to ignore it.

"You need to break up with Niall." Those few words froze me. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. I couldn't eat. It was like all the wind was knocked out of me.

"W-why?" I choked out, putting my fork down on my plate.

"Sweetie, he's famous. I know I'm your mother and I should be supporting you, but I can't. Boys like him take advantage of girls, and once they get what they want, they leave them in the dust. Sophia, I just don't want to see you getting hurt." I gave her a confused and angry look.

"How could you say that?! Niall would never hurt me in any way!" I started raising my voice. My mom sighed and was about to say something but I cut her off. "You can't make me break up with Niall. You can't make me give up the person I love." Tears started swelling in my eyes.

"Sophia, I am your mother. You will not raise your voice at me. And besides, you two are young. What could you possibly really know about love? I will not allow you to date Niall. End of discussion. I'm sorry sweetie. But I won't allow it." She let out a long sigh as my tears rolled down my cheeks. "Text him right now. Break up with him." I couldn't. I can't. No. As I reached for my phone, my mom snatched it away and unlocked it. My eyes widened and I started screaming, trying to get my phone back.

Before I knew it, I heard the swoosh of a text being sent. It broke me. I grabbed my phone from my mom, shooting to check what she said. It's over, don't ever speak to me again. Two simple words, yet they broke me down. It's over. It's over. They kept replaying in my head and I couldn't take it.

"I hate you! I absolutely hate you!" I ran to my room, slamming the door shut as I threw myself on my bed and cried my eyes out. I can't believe she would actually do this to me! One second, everything in my life was going absolutely perfect, the next, it felt like the world was crumbling down around me. I sobbed my eyes out until I cried away all my energy and fell asleep.

Niall's POV

I got up from bed after my amazing night with Sophia and headed downstairs for some breakfast. The lads were all sitting in the kitchen, eating cereal and talking.

"Ooo, did our little leprechaun have fun last night?" Harry said as he poked my cheeks.

"Must be, otherwise why would he be so smiley." It was Louis's turn now to poke my cheek as I sat down and my phone vibrated.

Love you niall. I had an amazing time last night. It was absolutely perfect. <3 :*

My smile only grew wider from her text. I felt my cheeks turn red as I felt the guys over my shoulders and heard them ooooing. I chuckled a bit before texting her back.

I'm glad you did. I'm happy as long as your happy, and I hope I always get to see that beautiful smile of yours. Love you. <3

I sent the text as the guys all made kissy noises.

"Niallers in love lads. The day has come." Zayn spoke as he patted my back. I shook my head as I grabbed a bowl and filled it with milk and cocoa puffs. Gotta love me my cocoa puffs.

A little while passed by as I waited for Sophia's reply, but it never came. Why hasn't she answered? Maybe she's just busy. Yea, that's it. Just as I thought about why she hadn't texted me, my phone vibrated.

I looked at my phone, and in that moment, I felt my heart break into a million tiny pieces of glass.

It's over, don't ever speak to me again. Why? She just texted me, no less than an hour ago saying she loved me. I felt tears well in my eyes. I can't believe I fell for it. Fell for her. The anger and heart break welled inside me as I threw my phone against the wall and my tears rolled down my cheeks. I sat on my bed and put my face in my hands as I let out the tears.

"Niall, I heard something break, wha-" Harry came into my room and saw my phone with a broken screen on the other side of the room, along with a dent and crack in the wall. "What happened?" He walked over to me and sat next to me on my bed. I couldn't speak. I walked over and picked my phone up, unlocking it and going to my messages, handing Harry my phone. He sighed before locking my phone and turning to me.

"This doesn't sound like the Sophia we know. Maybe something happened. Don't worry Niall, you guys love each other." He rubbed my back as I stared down at my phone.

Hope you guys liked this chapter! If you're enjoying You & I, please let me know by commenting or voting! I'm planing on having you and I be somewhere around 30 chapters. Maybe more, maybe less. Not too sure yet. I will also be writing another fanfic or two soon cause I've been getting a lot of ideas lately. <3

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