Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

-NOTE: The beginning of this chapter is going to skip around a little weirdly time wise... You'll see what I mean.-

"Wow, that's a first. You're definitely gonna be someone to remember. Most girls wouldn't even think twice before screaming." He chuckled a little. "So, I'm guessing since your a fan, your going to be at the concert on Monday?"

My face lit up. "I am, actually. My friend Mia got tickets from her aunt." I didn't explain further because I didn't think it was important.

"Oh, ok. Maybe I'll see you in the audience." Niall smiled to me as we slowly started to walk towards the exit.

*Beep Beep Beep*

I opened my eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. I turned off my alarm and reached for my phone. My camera falling on my face. Way to start the morning off good. As I put my camera aside, I noticed the autograph. Oh my god, that really happened yesterday. I really met Niall Horan!! It wasn't just the best dream ever. I got up out of bed, grabbed my phone and headed for the bathroom, blasting music as I readied myself to go out later with my parents since it's Sunday. My guess is grocery shopping and dinner like usual. Even though that's how it goes every Sunday, I don't mind as long as I'm with my family.

-Niall's POV-

I ran as fast as I could for the exit, sighing in relief when I saw Paul pull up in the black van. I jumped in, slamming the door, as the van screeched away.

"Thanks Paul. That was close." I panted, trying to catch my breath as I looked through the window. The girls were still running trying to catch us, but they wouldn't be able to. Thank goodness. We have some really dedicated fans though. I chuckled to myself.

"No problem. You're lucky I was close to the exit." Paul nodded as I chuckled. I stared out the window at the speeding highway as we head back to the hotel. That was quite the interesting girl. Sophia... She seems really kind and it's not every day I meet a fan who doesn't freak out. She was so genuine. I hope I do get to see her in the audience on Monday.

"Niall. Come on. You ready to go through the crowd?" Paul snapped me out of my thoughts, which I must have been really deep into since the mall was a good 15minutes from the hotel. I nodded as I opened the door, screams filling my ears as security tried to make an opening.

I ran through and up the elevator to my room, almost slipping on the freshly mopped floor in the lobby on the way. I walked in to find the Harry, Liam, and Zayn playing video games on the couch.

"NIALLER!!! HE'S ALIVE!!" Louis yelled in my ears as he jumped on my back causing me to fall onto the others on the couch. The other boys all moaned as they dropped their controllers.

"Hey! BooBear! You made us die! We were so close to getting to the next level!" Harry moaned. He pushed both me and Louis off their laps and onto the floor. I landed with a thud as I felt a remote digging into my back.

"Sorry HazzaBear. Blame it on Niall, not me." Louis stated throwing his hands up in surrender. "Hey! You're the one who jumped on me back!" I defended then quickly dropped it, walking into the kitchen to grab something to eat. I was going to ask Sophia if wanted to grab something to eat before I got mobbed. Oh well, either way I get food. You don't want to see me when I'm hungry. It would have been nice to have lunch and talk to her more though...

"He's blushing! Nialler's met someone!" Zayn yelled poking my cheeks. I was so distracted by my thoughts and food that I didn't realize when Zayn had come up next to me. It was then that I felt they were heating. I quickly stuck my head into the fridge, partially trying to hide my face, partially trying to find something to eat. I knew I was tomato red.

Liam closed the door then stared at me. "Niall, no use in hiding those flaming red cheeks." He chuckled evily. He may be daddy direction, but he has his evil moments. I remember once he threw out all the food I had in my room. No body, and I mean nobody touches my food.

"Alright Niall, spit it out. You know you want to tell us." Louis said as he pushed me over to the couch and sat me down. I sighed in resignation and started telling them all about Sophia.

You and I (A One Direction Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now