Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Minutes after arriving at the venue, my mom texted me to have a good time and to be careful. I smiled and quickly replied back, letting her know that I would be careful and not to worry. I hit send and quickly put my phone inside my hidden pant pocket inside the waist. I secured my bag in front me and walked in, my arm hooked with Mia's.

She lead me to where the security were, checking the tickets and escorting people to their seats. We smiled as we handed the man our tickets. He used some weird scanning gun thing to scan our tickets and then hands them back to us. Another man soon lead us to our seats.

I squealed at how amazing our seats were. We were dead center in the front row. Best. Seats. Ever. Within minutes, girls started piling into the stadium, already screaming. Mia and I talked happily while we waited for the concert to start. Time flew by, and before we knew it, the lights dimmed and everyone started cheering.

Niall's POV:

I was having to much fun, singing with the lads. I couldn't help but keep scanning over the crowd, just hoping I might catch a glimpse of Sophia. I sighed as we sang What Makes You Beautiful, signaling the end of the concert and gave up. There were over 80,000 people. It was impossible for me to have seen her. I hadn't even bothered to check front row, because I think she would have told me if she was going to be in the front row.

"Thank you everybody for coming out tonight! You're the best fans in the world!" Harry yelled as we walked off the stage, the fans cheering in the crowd.

"Come on, lets go to our dressing room and relax. We're gonna be here for a while like always. Paul said that the head lady, Regina I think, had some food for us in our dressing room." Liam said as he took out his earpieces. I followed them into the room and plopped down on the couch.

"Did you find your girl Niall?" Zayn questioned, elbowing me in the side. I sighed.

"No. Too many people. It would have been a miracle." I sighed as Louis tossed me a water bottle. I chugged the whole thing and grabbed another. Concerts always left me parched.

There was a knock at the door, and soon the woman named Regina came in. "Hello boys. You were phenomenal tonight." We all said thank you in unison and smiled at her.

"If you're not too busy, I have my niece and her friend here and they would really like to meet you."

"No, we don't mind." Louis stated as he squirted Harry with his water bottle.

"Wonderful." She smiled and opened the door a little bit wider. I walked across the room to the table. I grinned at the assortment of sandwiches as I grabbed a chicken sandwich, shoving it into my mouth. "This is my niece Mia," a girl about 18 walked in and smiled. "And her friend-" my eyes widened.


Sophia's POV:

The concert was absolutely amazing! The best night of my life, easily. Mia's aunt was leading us to the boys dressing room now. I wonder if Niall will remember me? Nah, probably not. He has more important people to worry about than little old me. When we arrived at the boys' dressing room, Mia's aunt motioned for us to wait. She opened the door a little and stepped inside.

I took this chance to check my blood sugar. To my luck, it was just fine. Thank goodness. I heard some mumbling coming from inside and the door suddenly opened.

"This is my niece Mia," Mia went ahead of me and walked in. "And her friend-" I walked in with a huge smile on my face as her aunt was cut off by an all too familiar voice.

"Sophia?" My smile dropped and my mouth hung open.


So remember how a few chapters ago I said Sophia has diabetes? And how I just had her check her sugar? Remember that because its going to play an important part in the next chapter. :3 Thanks for reading, and if you like this, please vote, comment, or follow me. I would love to know I have people reading my stories. Thanks diamonds. <3

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