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I couldn't stop thinking about her. About that fight. It was already too late for me to lay awake in bed, I had the morning shift tomorrow, but my mind wouldn't stop.

Every time I closed my eyes I saw her crying face. Which was always worse than seeing her happy face. That fight... I think it was one of our worst fights ever.

It was totally my fault back then.

Well, maybe it was hers too. But totally my fault. It just bothered me, how we spent the last 6 months of our lives as partners but I barely knew her. She was always so mysterious, I just couldn't handle it anymore. And after the whole little sister situation blew up, I started to demand for information.

I flipped to lay on my side as I closed my eyes shut. I could literally hear our yells from that night. I was so frustrated, I made her cry... But so did she. We were both very sensitive when talking about this theme.


Dani went to bed after our disaster of movie night. Her own bed in her own room. I was left alone in the living room. I wanted to go to see her, I wanted to demand for the answers I deserve, but after thinking twice I realized maybe it's not the right time.

But what could I do? How could she hide such information from me? I'm her girlfriend of six fucking months for God's sake. Why couldn't she just tell me she has a little sister?! Is it really that big of a deal? None of these would have happen if she just told me in the first place.

So great, now I know she has a little sister named Eleanor. But that's it. That's actually it. I don't know anything more. I don't even know her mother's name. She keeps on saying, 'why does it matter? The past is in the past. You should love me for who I am' and of course I love her for who she is today, but gosh, it's just so tiring to try and chase after her for information, anything.

When I checked on her she was already asleep. I could literally see the tear stains under her eyes. I shook my head to myself before exiting her room and climbing into my own bed, but not succeeding in keeping my eyes closed.


"Dani," I sighed as she passed by me the next morning, completely ignoring me sitting by the dining table as she walked further into the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. "Really?"


"Are you honestly mad at me right now?" I asked all irritated, and her loud sigh and eye roll confirmed my thoughts. "Wow."

"What." She snapped again, slamming her cup of coffee down, making it spill on the counter. "Yeah, I'm pissed."

"Yeah I can see that." I snapped back, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What, I don't get the right to be fucking mad?"

"No, you don't." I insisted, standing up from my seat and heading towards her, while she copied my moves and crossed her arms over her chest too. "I told you I was not going through your texts."

"It doesn't matter, you yelled at my like shit last night for nothing."

"For nothing?!"

"You're yelling at me again!" She yelled this time, and I closed my eyes as I tried to keep myself together, and not yell at her anymore.

Daydreaming {Dantana}Where stories live. Discover now