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"What are you doing?" I jumped at the sound of my girlfriend, immediately stepping back from the desk in her bedroom. I looked at her in a loss of words, watching her taking the towel off her head, exposing her freshly wet blonde hair.

"N-nothing, I swear." I stuttered, looking at her big brown eyes that answered me with a slight irritated look.

"Snooping around, maybe?" She asked in a sigh, brushing her fingers through her wet hairs while approaching me, snapping the paper I was holding behind my back. "That's mine, Santana."

"Babe I'm sorry..." I sighed, turning back to look at her, following her as she walked back to her desk and tucked the paper behind a pile of music sheets. "I was just curious. You know I love your music."

"Yeah well I don't like it when you look through my personal stuff."

"I'm sorry..." I breathed out again. "I didn't think it would bother you that much. You always let me go through your music to hear my opinion."

"Yeah well, I choose what to show you."

"Are you hiding something from me?" I asked in disbelief, frowning as the thought of her keeping secrets from me hit me.

"I'm not hiding anything." She snapped back. "But I have my personal stuff, Santana, and I like to keep my privacy."

"So... I guess you're not gonna tell me what this song was all about." I said quietly, nodding toward the desk, where I could see the corner of the same paper peeping underneath the pile of music sheets. "It said 'Father', Dani."

"I know what it said." She said immediately. "We're not talking about it."

"But babe-"

"We are not talking about it, Santana." She repeated, before turning around on her heels and exiting her bedroom to her tiny living room.

I shot one last glance in the direction of the desk, before sighing loudly and following her out of the room.

"I barely know you, Dani!" I yelled when I reached her. "We've been dating for 3 months and I don't even know your mother's name. I just want to know you, is that wrong?"

She turned around to face me, her eyes shining but it looked like she was about to cry. "It's not wrong," she started, "But some things I like to keep to myself. And I can't stand snooping."

"Some things?" I repeated her words in disbelief. "Babe, no matter what I asked, you went completely crazy after every topic I tried to ask you about!"

"So maybe you just need to stop asking then!"


"Ughhhh," I groaned as I slammed the apartment door that night, crashing on the couch next to Kurt, who was reading a book.

"Let me guess," he said, placing his book down while Rachel joined from the kitchen. "First fight with Dani."

"She's just so damn complicated!" I groaned throwing my head back.

"What happened?" Rachel asked, joining next to me on the couch.

"I was waiting for her to come out of the shower, so I went through her music a little bit because I love her music and she always gives me some of her stuff to read," I started, shrugging my shoulders as I didn't think my actions were wrong. "Then she comes out of the shower and gets all mad at me for snooping."

"Well, she has a point." Kurt said but I immediately shot him a death glare to shush him. He looked at me terrified before looking away and regretting he ever talked.

Daydreaming {Dantana}Where stories live. Discover now